The Dorms:Gryffindor

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Dally and his new friend entered the Gryffindor common room together. Dally walked in with Zacharias and gladly followed him to a group of other first years. Zach smiled to his new friends and explained that he was a sixth year student who happened to be the Gryffindor seeker and prefect. Dally, with stars in his eyes, watched every move Zach made with intense interest. Zach pointed to the girls dormitory and then to the boys. A few of the second and up years took a few of the first years to their specified dorm room. Zach was left with five first years. Two girls, by the names of Eliian (Ill-e-an) and Ariain (Are-e-in) Young and three boys by the names of Elijah Magnol, Abraham Magnol, and Dally. These five first years were the last ones to enter the Gryffindor common rooms. So all of the other students knew mostly everything that Zach had to say except these five.

"Okay you guys. My name is Zacharias Yersooth and I am your sixth year prefect. Girls dormitory's are to the left and boys are to the right. Umm...we in the Gryffindor house like to think of each other as family. So if you ever need any help, just ask."

Zacharias explained with a smile.
The Young sisters and their male counterparts left the small huddled group to find their ways to their beds, leaving Dally alone with Zach. With every other Gryffindor student already in the dorms Zach and Dally decided to go into the dorms as well. After a little while they finally decided it was time to go to bed, after a few games and jokes.
"Haa. Hum. Hey Tristepin? Do you have anybody in any other houses that you know?"

"My girlfriend is in Ravenclaw, my friends Yugo and Amalia are in Hufflepuff and two others named Ruel and Adami are in Slytherin. So,yeah."

"Cool. My sister is in Ravenclaw. Which doesn't suprise me one bit, despite the callenges she faces."


"She's deaf."


After a little while passed Dally let out an enormous yawn which caused Zach to yawn as well. Zach said,

"We should get to bed."

Dally nodded tiredly in agreement as he laid his head down on his pillow and passed right out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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