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Nothing can confuse you more than waking up to a house that was not yours.. I got up or at least tried to and felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me to his warm chest. Terrified couldn't even desribe how scared I was here I was laying in a complete strangers bed, not know who he was

Was he tall, short, DO I EVEN KNOW HIS NAME?! GADDAMIT Alicia I yelled at myself

But then I realized his arm was tingling from the contact of our skin touching. Only one person made me feel that way and it was the man from last night this man made me feel all types of things I never felt before.. What really made me sad was the fact that I didnt know this mans name.. I felt like a wanting woman and I didnt want him to think that I was the type of person who hooks up with just anyone.. I started to wiggle slightly to get away from him it took me three times. I finally got free.. I rushed to find my shoes and raced out the door not knowing if I might see him again but oh how wrong I was.......

Its been three days since I last saw him and my mind has been going crazy.. Everywhere I go I see him and it makes me realize how much I missed him even though we barely know each other

I decided to take a walk. I was to busy thinking about him that I ended up back in front of the club shivering, waiting, deciding on what to say to him ...I slowly walked up to the door and knocked two times. A slightly buff man answered the door and stared at me waiting for me to say something

"Ummm, excuse me im looking for.... ''

I didnt know what to say to him... I didnt know who I was looking for I cant just tell him im looking for a man when I dont even know his name that would make me look stuoid. So I said the word that my stranger kept saying to me last night

Quickly clearing my throught I looked the man in his eye and said, "Im looking for my mate". On cue his neck leaned to the side and he backed up into the club and said "follow me". As I walked behind him I noticed him take a turn down a hallway that led to a even bigger house connected to the club I saw people stopping to stare at me with curiosity wondering why I was inside their house we stopped at a dark maroon door .The man knocked on the door and said "M-Master Am-m-mory"?

"What do you want Mitch im doing my fucking work", yelled Amory

"Um s-s-s-sir there is some o-o-one here to see you.. She said that she was your m-ma-ma- mate sir", whispered Mitch

I looked down when he said that in fear of what Amory would do to Mitch when he answered the door .

I finally knew his name and it was amory... I remember reading somewhere that it was a german name that meant leader, divine, brave, powerful. And oh what a powerful person he was I was excited to know his name.

"Amory" just saying his name sent shivers down my spine. I heard the door open and and a quick intake of breath that was full of disbelief. Mitch quickly rushed away.. It confused me on why such a buff man would be scared of Amory. Once mitch hit the corner amory took a step towards me and I continued to look down at my shoe in hopes that he was not angry. I slowly looked up and saw his gaze full of anger, hurt, and love.

"Hi Amory!! ",I squeaked out

And his whole body language changed from stiff to one full of want.

"Say it again". He whispered

"Say what again"? I asked

"My name... Say it again". he demanded as he took a closer step towards me

I realized that not only did he like when I said his name but he craved for me to do it.

"Amory" I whispered under my breath

He grabbed my chin and looked me in the eye and asked me, "why did you leave me"?! with full of hurt traveling through his voice.

"I didnt know your name or anything about you and I felt like a slut .... I missed you for the past three days all I could do was think of you.. My heart hurt so much when I left you.. I felt like it was the biggest mistake of my life. Then you are not normal your eyes change color when you get mad and you call me mate and look at me with love and amazent its like nothing I ever felt before and it frustrates me because I have done nothing to deserve you nothing at all.. Please help me understand why me... Im noth- ".

Before I could finish he pulled me into his body and kissed me. When he let go I was shocked and stared at him with wide eyes confused.

"Now are you through"?! he asked

"No i wa-"

He kissed my again but this time he grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and sucked it into his mouth which made me melt with want. He then let his lips travel to my neck where he nibbled on my soft spot. I whimpered from the pleasure. When he pulled from me again asked me again "Are you finally done sweetheart"?! I could only nod because if I continued to talk he would kiss me until I shut up not that I mind it. But I would like to keep my heart from breaking out of my chest.

"Now please come in and sit down"! he demanded. Hearing him demand me did something to me I walked to the couch and sat down but not before making him watch my hips as they rocked from side to side once I saw him look at me I smirked at him seeing his eyes full of lust for me made my heart pound.

1 point for me

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