Chapter 1

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"I shall end you now!" Some dude shouted, swinging his blue light saber at me. I tried avoiding the dangerous thing I only see in TV when I saw a flashing red one, too within my hands' grip.

I stepped back and raised my both my hands showing that I surrender, "Woah, mysterious-small-dude-holding-a-light-saber! Uhh, who are you and where am I?"

"Stop trying to stall and fight me! C'mon, you coward! Fight!"

"Fight? Why will I-" I was stopped mid-sentence when I caught a heavenly scent that instantly made my mouth water. I dropped the lightsaber, following the scent by my nose. I didn't care that I was floating midair. I just had to get to the source of that delicious scent.

I came to a sudden stop in a place with waffles all over the place. Complete with butter, maple syrup and fruits. Oh my sweet carbohydrates and sweets! I'm in heaven!

A big waffle walked over to me handing plate of waffles.

"Do you want some?"

"Oh, definitely!"

"Then open your eyes and wake up already."




"Victoria Marie Elizabeth Claire! If you don't get up right now, I am gonna give all your waffles to your dad!" Somewhere in between my horribly long name did I scramble out of my bed and end up on the floor instead.

"Mooom!" I groaned sleepily at my mom. She didn't really have to scream directly at my ears!

"Good. Now, clean yourself up and get down for breakfast. You're going to be late. Again." She said we a satisfied grin.

"Well maybe if you get me my own car already, I won't be walking all the way to school making me late."

"All of us in this house know that you can't drive to save yourself, Victoria."

I let out another long groan and shooed her using my hands. I needed my privacy now. When I heard the door close, I laid my head on my bed, hoping I could get at least five minutes of sleep.


I jumped up, scared for my life. My eyes moved toward the door and a saw my mom with her eyebrow lifted and her arms crossed. I sighed dejectedly and went to my bathroom. Ugh, so much for my sleep.

I showered and did everything I needed to do. I decided to wear a purple sweater with a white collar and white cuffs. I also decided to pair it with a white skirt with brown polka dots. I slipped on my red flats and grabbed my bag. I wore my Helvetica Regular eyeglasses (the nerdy glasses, except mine really has lenses) which had not-so-thick rims. Audrey broke that one last week. I was legally blind for like, seven days. A week. Yeah.

I rushed down the stairs and sat on the table gobbling down my waffles.

My mother sighed, "Victoria, please eat like a lady."

I slowed down, but proceeded eating anyway.

"Have you combed yor hair?" I nodded, but ignored her. It's me and waffle time. And besides, my hair is really a bird's nest. That's the downside of having curly hair and bangs. They're very hard to maintain.

Once the last bit of my waffle was eaten, I stood up and went to the kitchen to dump my plate on the sink. I kissed my mom and dad's cheeks and bid them goodbye. Not waiting for a reply, I dashed out the door and started fast-walking. I really can't run because of these flats. Curse Audrey for that.

About thirty minutes before the bell rings, I arrived to the school's gates. Hooray for me! I did a little happy dance in my mind.

Once I was inside, I didn't waste any time and went directly to my locker. I placed my locker's combination and grabbed my needed books. I was about to close my locker when someone else decided to slam it close for me. Surprised, I turned my head to see the culprit when my blue eyes met brown ones. It was one and only blonde best friend.

She was wearing her cheerleading uniform which consisted of a dress with a pleated skirt. It was maroon and white with the initials CHS on her chest and below that was WOLVES with an angry wolf's shadow below it. Her maroon and white pom-poms were tied to her waist and she was a bit sweaty meaning she had practice before classes.

"Audrey! You scared me half to death!" I placed my hand over my wild beating heart. If you haven't noticed by now, I am easily frightened.

She ignored me and continued to scan my outfit. She sighed, "Your outfit's okay. But I though I broke your glasses?"

She always checks my outfits every morning. We have done the whole "new wardrobe". Except for the new makeover since she said I was perfect already with my creamy white skin, dar reddish brown hair and bright blue eyes. Honestly, perfect is her. Not me. She looks like a model and I look like. A dork. Yep.

Now she wants me to stop being weird and start being like her. But she was as weird and dorky as I was before. She only started being the "Queen Bee" when we were in high school. Nevertheless, she's still kind and is still my best friend.

"I'm legally blind."

"Contact lenses?"

"They feel uncomfortable."

She crossed her arms over her chest scowling, "You're impossible!"

"Uh, I never asked you to change me?" It was meant to come out as a statement. Instead, it was a question.

"Fine. Just continue doing what you're doing. And remember, be safe! Gtg, I'm gonna change my sweaty clothes. Uck!" She rushed to the bathroom.

"Bye." I said to myself waving awkwardly to no one. Okay.

I started my long walk to the other side of the school building (which is where my class is located).

Oh yeah. Welcome to Clarifield High School, named after the founder Mason Clarifield blah blah blah, home of all stereotypical clichés. I won't be surprised if there are vampires or werewolves here.

We have every kind of person here like emos. For example, Ryder Black who is a pale dude with black hair and wears all-black. Uh-huh. Ryder Black wears all-black. He's not the eyeliner, black lipstick and piercings everywhere emo. He just likes being alone and never talks to anyone. He also stays hidden in dark places where he does the deed with Preacher Millie. Milagros Jones is a typical Catholic girl, with strict Catholic parents, wears long skirts and always goes to mass. Rumor has been spreading about the both of them, but I never really believed it. Until I witnessed them at it myself in a library. I may, or may not have fallen asleep there while doing my homework. That was enough to send me running out of there like my pants were on fire (how original, I know).

What else? We have jocks, bitches, athletes, nerds and oh! Nobodies. I'm one of them! They are people who are not noticed and will never be. Unless you are incredibly good looking or intelligent. Which I am not qualified for either one.

My thoughts came to a stop when I reached my class. Pre-Calculus. I mean, seriously? Who has math in the morning? I took my usual seat at the side near the wall on the third row. After doodling on my notebook for two minutes, the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom. Oh great.

Let my suffering begin.


A/N: Well that's the end of the first chapter of TBBW, guys. 07-16-14

Song Stay Stay Stay by Taylor Swift (just because I want to)

And a picture of Tori who's played by Zooey Deschanel (adorkable)

Thanks for trusting me with this story!

-Kallie xx

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