Chapter 3

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"I'm partners with whom?" Kacey shouted at my face.

Seriously, this girl gave me the jitters. How bad could pairing up with Caden be, right?

"Tori, you know that that guy has been asking me out for the past few weeks already and it's starting to be annoying," she sighed.

"But how bad could it be?"

"I swear, if he hits on me another time I will break his nose. That bad."

"Oh come on Kace, chill-" I was rudely cut off by Audrey's shrill voice.

"What on earth are you wearing Victoria Claire?" Seriously, what's with people shouting at face?

"Um, a skirt?"

"Yes, Tori. A skirt. A bright neon one at that. And you so happen to pair it with this hideous shade of pink leggings. And- are those loafers?"

"I just wanted to be comforta-"

"And your hair! Do you even have a brush?"

"Yes, I do. It's just that-"

"And didn't I tell you to get rid of those glas-"

"Will you please shut up for a moment, Audrey? I believe Tori has been trying to say something." Thanks for noticing Kacey, I said in my mind.

"Okay, here's the thing Auds. The reason-" I was not able to continue whatever it was I wished o say it because fudge balls, even the school bell is against me.

"Whatever it is you have to say, you could say it later. We still have AP Lit, right Tori?" I nodded and shut my locker. By the time that was finished, Audrey was gone and kacey was already ahead of me so I tried to catch up.

Thing is, I am not the most athletic person out there. Heck, I'm not even the smartest. The highest I got so far is a C. I just happen to love literature. Reason why I got into an AP class.

Kacey entered the room first while I followed. She headed to her usual spot but abruptly stopped which caused me to bump onto her. I peeked at her side and saw a guy sitting on my seat that happens to be beside Kacey's.

"What the actual fuck are you doing beside my seat. That's Tori's, you ass." Kacey's mouth never really had a filter. But Caden, judging by the smug look on his face, didn't really mind.

Oh joy.

"Well, Kacey-boo-"

"Don't call me that."

"-I am your partner for this project of ours and I thought that it would be most convenient for the both of us if I sat closer to you." He replied with a smirk.

By now, Kacey was red. Red from anger that is.

"You will get your ass off that chair and give Kacey back her seat or I'll-"

"Or you'll do what, Ms. Lockhart?" Kacey and I both turned around to face an amused Ms. Montogomery.

"I suggest you both go back to your seats. And Ms. Lockhart,  he is partner. It is just right he seats beside you."

Kacey had no choice but to toss her back under her table and slump on her seat with an evident scowl on her face.

"And you, Ms. Claire, go to your seat as well. Mr. Lancaster should be here soon," she paused looking at Caden in disapproval and turned away, "put your feet down Mister. You are in my class."

"Now that everyone is settled down, how about we talk about Jane Eyre?" Everyone groans. Well, most of the people because we have been talking about Jane Eyre since we were juniors.

"No? Fine then. How about The Scarlet Letters?"


The odds were in my favor a while ago because Reed was not there. I thought he would just be late, but he actually did not attend. Though his ceowd was there, I haven't seen him the whole day. Well that's a relief. Rather than falling flat on my face in fron of him or doing something more embarrassing.

"Tori! Wait up!" I heard Audrey shout from behind.

Seems like we'll be going home together.

When she finally catched up to me, we started walking at a normal pace.

"So, are you attending the party tomorrow night?"

Party? But. Oh yeah.

"Reed's? Yes. I mean no. I mean, technically yes because we're going to do our project for AP Lit."

Audrey stopped walking and faced me, "Just the two of you?"

I stopped and faced her too with a confused look in my face, "Um, yeah? I-Is something wrong with that?"

For a moment, she kept still like she was pondering something with her eyebrows all scrunched up.

Then she grinned. And squealed.

Real loud.

"Oh my gosh! You're finally getting yourself a boyfriend! Reed lancaster is aome hot stuff. How'd you manage to score that?"

"Kacey was um, absent? As well was Caden? So I didn't actually have a choice-"

"Of course, silly! It's fate. Destiny brought you two together-"

"No!" I shrieked a little too loudly. That made Audrey burst into a fit.

"Well anyway, let's go home and find you something to wear tomorrow. By the way, I am sleeping at your house tonight to make sure."

"I'll go there 5 tomorrow. You don't really have to."

"Nonsense! We're neighbors, anyway. Doesn't really make much of a difference, does it? Now let's go home to get you out of that hideous outfit of yours."

"I happen to like my outfit, Auds."


"Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Claire!" Audrey rushed up the stairs with her pajamas on. She said she was going to rummage through my wardrobe.

While I was stuck here with the dishes.


"Yes, honey?"

"I'll be out tomorrow for a project. Andaybe after that, a party?"

"A party?"

"Yes, mom. A party."

"Your first party!" Did she have to let the whole world know?

"Yes." I replied while dragging s.

"Oh, I'm so excited! Aren't you excited, dear? Our daughter's going to her first party!"

"You don't have to keep on repeating it mom." I grumbled under my breath. I just finished doing the dishes and was ready to go to bed.

"Just be safe, Victoria. And be home befor 10."

"Yes dad. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, sweetie."


Well this is 5 months late. Sorry?

Well anyway, I actually thought of taking TBBW down bc I really didn't know what to write. But then I get o much notifs of ppl reading, voting and commenting on TBBW. So I thought, why not give you guys a late Christmas present? It's not much bc I updated using my phone so yeah.

Audrey played by Carlie Casey on top ^^^

Happy New year guys! Stay safe! I love you all! Thanks for sticking with me!

Game of Thrones is ♡, btw.

Love lots,
Kallista xxx

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