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T H R E E // I S A A C

In case you hadn't noticed, I tend to overthink things. A lot.

And one thing I was thinking about a lot was Henry Waters. And his voice. And the way he called me cute.

(To be honest, it was kind of depressing that the most action I was getting was some guy on a cereal helpline vaguely complimenting me while he pissed himself at the fact I was calling the aforementioned cereal helpline. But still.)

I really wanted to talk to Henry Waters. I liked the fact he was called Henry Waters and not Henry. I liked how he was grumpy - but just enough so you think you can change him - and I especially liked how nice he was about Stefani-Beyoncé.

It did also help that he was gay.

I rang Lydia - my sister - for her advice but she didn't pick up. I took that as a sign to ring Henry Waters.

"It's you again, isn't it?"

"Hello, Henry Waters," I said sheepishly.

He sighed. "Just so you know," he announced, "I don't like talking to you. But it's my job, so I'm forced to. Don't think I'm in anyway enjoying this."

"Of course not," I grinned.

"No, I mean it. If there's one thing I hate, it's social interaction."

"Isn't your whole job based around social interaction?"

He paused for a second. "That's, um, not the point."

"I feel like we should get to know each other better," I told him.

"You do? I'm pretty sure that's unnecessary-"

"Do you have anything better to do?"

Henry sighed. "No."

I could hear Shania cackling in the background.

a.n edited 28/06/15. "if there's one thing i hate, it's social interaction" what a classic

for @alexithymia_bc her comments are rad and so is she

lucy xox

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