Chapter 14

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Chelsea's POV ;)

I watched as Riker walked over and sat down beside the bed. I didn't know what to say so I sat there in silence for a little bit. I looked over to a machine that was beeping. They had my heart being monitored. I was also hooked up to a blood bag. Apparently I had lost to much blood. I looked back at Riker who seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I used all the strength I had to reach out and touch him. He brought his arms up and put both of his hands on the bed and took my hand in them.

“I'm going to be seeing a doctor within the next week.” he said moving closer. “My parents want me to get checked out. I can't stand that this was all my fault.”

“Riker. This wasn't your fault.” I assured him.

“How wasn't it?”

“I haven't been eating properly. That didn't help. Please don't blame yourself. Riker.”

“Yes. Chelsea.”

“I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too. But until I can figure out what's wrong, we can't be together. I don't want to hurt you again.” he replied. I went to answer but the nurse came in.

“I am here to test your blood. Then you can possibly go home. Could you leave well I do this?” she asked Riker. He nodded and left.

Riker's POV \o/

I walked out of the ICU and found my family, Ratliff and Kelly outside.

“How is she?” my dad asked.

“She's hooked up to a blood bag right now. They are checking to see if she has enough blood. They may send her home.” I responded, sitting down beside Rocky. He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. “When is my doctors appointment?”

“Monday after school.” mom replied. The nurse came back out.

“She is ready to leave but she has to be under 24/7 watch. Her mom is on a business trip until Monday. Would you be able to watch her?” she asked my parents.

“My wife, Ryland and I are leaving for the weekend. But everyone else can watch her.” my Father replied.

“I will get her ready.” the nurse replied returning to the ICU.

“I expect all of you to keep an eye on her. Riker be on your best behavior well we are away.” my dad said. I nodded and rested my head against Rocky's arm. A few minutes later the nurse returned with Chelsea. She looked tired but happy to be leaving. We walked out to the van and she sat between Rydel and I.

“Your going to have to stay with us until your mom gets back.” my father relayed the message.

“I know. But I am going to have to get clothes.”

“We could just stay at her house. That way she doesn't have to go home everyday. I could just bring my clothes over.” Rydel spoke.

“I guess that will be fine. Rocky, Riker I want you two to stay with them to. Kelly, Ratliff where am I dropping you off?” my mom inquired.

“Our parents know what is going on. We are just going to stay with them too.” Kelly spoke up. I looked over at Chelsea who had her head down. I knew she hated being treated like she was a child. But we couldn't risk her doing anything else to herself. I am actually surprised they let her out.

Chelsea's POV ;)

We all got out of the van and I thanked Mark and Stormie for the ride home. I walked over to the house and unlocked it while Rydel, Rocky and Riker went to grab their clothes. Kelly & Ratliff's parents were going to drop their clothes off in the morning. I went upstairs and grabbed Kelly some pajamas and Ratliff some shorts. They went and changed and I checked my cell phone's voice message. I had one from my mom.

“Hey. Stormie called me are you okay? Please call me back as soon as you can. Love you lots,”

I called my mom and it went straight to voice mail. It was 10 anyway, she would be in bed. I left her a quick message and hung up as Rocky, Riker and Rydel walked in.

“Kelly and Ratliff are changing. So we have no spare bedrooms. I mean someone would take my mom's room and then there's the basement and the couch.” I told them.

“We aren't allowed to leave you alone unless it's to use the bathroom.” Rocky reminded me, collapsing the couch.

“I guess my room is big enough. The floor won't be comfortable.”

“We brought foam padding, sleeping bags and pillows.” Riker replied. I lead everyone upstairs to my bedroom. “I'm getting changed I will be out in a second. Rydel you can show everyone the scrapbook if you want. Ratliff can you go down and lock the door?”

“Yes.” he said running down the stairs. I grabbed some shorts and a tank top and went to change. I came back out and they were all laughing,smiling and telling Ratliff and Kelly about the good times we had. I crawled into my bed as they set theirs up. I looked at Ratliff and Kelly.

“You two can sleep in the same bed. I don't care.” I assured them. The nodded and moved their bed together. Everyone got settled in and I clapped my hands so the light would go out. I laid their in silence for at least half an hour. Everyone was sound asleep or so I thought.

“Chelsea.” Someone whispered.

“Yeah.” I responded.

“It's Riker.” he said walking towards me, dodging everyone and sat on the edge of my bed. I grabbed him and pulled him down so he was laying beside me. He hopped over me so he was laying behind me. He slipped his arm underneath me and pulled me in so he was right up against me. I could feel his muscles and his abs against my back where my shirt was lifted a little. I bit my lip, I forgot how strong he really was.

“I just wanted to let you know that I am truly sorry and that you really are beautiful.” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and a tear leaked out of my eye.

“Don't cry baby. Just go to sleep.” he said. I rolled over on my back and looked into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me gently I felt my heart skip a beat for the first time in a while. He pulled back and smiled at me.

“I love you Chelsea. The moment I find out what's wrong I want to be yours. I never want to hurt you again. Good night baby.” he whispered kissing me one last time.

“I love you to Riker.” I responded. I rolled back over on my side. I fell asleep in his arms and for once in my life I felt like everything was perfect. But little did I know, everything was about to get a lot more complicated.

BadBoy! Riker Lynch Love Story!*STILL EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now