day time relief (R 18+)

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"lets go Yoongi! we'll be late!" Jimin was waiting at the door for Yoongi to get back from the bathroom. Everyone was waiting at the door way for Yoongi to get back from shiting, they were going on a hike to get away from stressful interviews, fan mails, and other stuff. 

"okay jeez, take a damn chill pill." Yoongi jokes. 

"god, how big was the shit?" Jimin shot back. 

Yoongi shook his head as laughter twiters from the group. Jungkook shakes his head at how the two friends joke around like children. Namjoon ruffles Yoongi's hair when he pouts at Jimin for calling him out on something embarrassing. 

one by one, they got into the van and headed in the direction to the trail. 


Jungkook grabbed the cooler and bag full of snacks, Hobi put batteries into a speaker to play some music. Jimin slipped off his hoodie due to it being almost 200 degrees out, everyone grabbed something for them to relax and they headed down the trail.

"ugh! fuck off!" Jungkook snapped swatting off flies.

Namjoon chuckles and tosses Jungkook fly spray.   

Jungkook shot the flies and mosquitos with the spray chanting, 'die lil bitch.'

the group snickers at him desperately trying to kill the spawns of Satan.  "how much longer?" Jimin asks Hobi, he only shrugs, "I dunno, my buddy suggest we go to his place. he says its pretty peaceful and calming." Hobi says, moving some branches out of the way.

Yoongi wipes sweat off his forehead and sighs. he reaches behind him and grabs his water bottle. he puckers his lips around it and sucks the cold water out. he pulls away and squeezes the bottle on his face making some water splash his cheeks and nose. Jimin blushes while thinking of that water bottle of being something else. Jimin swallows thickly after Yoongi lets out a sound of pleasure from the water cooling down his face. 

Yoongi looks over meeting eye's with Jimin, "you good?" he raises a eyebrow. Jimin nods, almost not knowing what he said due to the pounding in is ears. Yoongi smirks and hands Jimin the water bottle. 

Jimin takes it, and takes a large swig while swirling his tongue around the hole to get a taste of Yoongi's saliva. Jimin felt like a pervert, acting this weird and thinking dirty things about him and Yoongi...(then again who wouldn't XD) Jimin pulled away slowly and swallowed the water pretending it to be something more desirable and handed it back to Yoongi not making eye contact. Namjoon, who was behind them, raise an eyebrow in a 'wtf' kind of way. 


"aaaand here we are!" Hobi announced. 

everyone whooped and hollered, and ran into the opening. it was a small field with a stream and plenty of shade. it was a sight, but Yoongi was too tired to take in the scenery. he went over and splashed water on his face then went to go help set up camp.

"where's the blanket?"

"I have it."

"set it over there."

"oh, that should go over their next to the table."

"wait, where does this go again?"

"how about we do this-"

Yoonmin smutt One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora