Chapter 1

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Hey my name is Anna but my friends call me Ann. I have  brown curly hair, light blue eyes, a small boot nose and pouty lips. So let's get to my story...

I woke up the annoying sound of my alarm clock ringing. I quickly offed it and went to the bathroom. I got dressed into a v-neck shirt and a skinny jeans. My parents aren't home so I just grabbed an apple and ran to my car.
I got to school early as usual and parked in a spot. Just then my best friend ran out of the door and jumped on me. "Seriously Lydia. Why? " I said in a whinny voice. "Because you love me" was her answer.
Lydia had long straight hair and a caramel complexion. She dressed really girly. Sometimes it will be hard not to stare. She was a real turn on sometimes. If your wonder no I'm not a lesbian but I was bi. But I kept it to myself. No one knew and I plan on keeping it that way.

We started walking into the school chatting about the latest gossip. Turns out a new boy will be joining our school. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and bumped into a soft wall. Wait walls aren't soft. It was Stacy also known as the queen B. To be honest she was nice looking but her voice was annoying. "What the hell, watch were you're going!" She yelled. "Damn girl was you're mother a seal cause you're voice is jus, Ugh!" I said while blocking my ears. "Don't you dear call my mom a seal you cow!" She screeched. "At least I have a use you worthless whore," I answered. "Kiss my ass, bitch" she hissed stomping though a crowd of people who had nothing better to do than mind other persons business.

The bell soon rang and everyone rushed to class. I sat beside Lydia and we chatted through the whole class.

Next I had French which i hate, so I decided to skip. Mr. George was not going to like it but he can suck a dick for all I care.

I made my way to the back of the school when I was suddenly pushed into a wall. It happened so fast. I screamed but it was cut short from ice cold hands blocking my mouth while fang like teeth pursed through my neck. The pain was unbearable and fighting became useless. I felt weak. Then a burn sensation burst out through my body. I felt like I was being eaten alive. Tears blurred my visions as figure stepped away. Next thing I knew I was falling but I don't remember hitting the ground as I blacked out.

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