Girls night out.

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Artemis' house.
The blonde was putting on the final touches of her vampire costume trying to make it look good. She tied her cape down and walked out of her room into the living room of her home to see her mother sitting there. "How do I look?" Artemis asked placing a hand on her hip "You look fine. But since when do you care how you look." Paula replied. "I've always cared how I looked I just never really cared about opinions." Artemis said walking over and crouching to be eye level with her mother.
     "So the question still some what applies." The Vietnamese woman said "Am I being interrogated, mom?" Artemis asked arching an eyebrow. "No, go have fun." Paula said placing her hands on her daughter's. Artemis gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before getting up to leave waving at her mother. "I love you." Paula said "Love you too." Artemis replied before shutting the door.
Zatanna's house.
Zatanna was excited to go to the party she grabbed her witch hat and put it on. She grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and sat on the counter. Her father then came out dressed up as well except he was dressed for his superhero business. "Are you ready?" He asked "Yeah, can't wait to see the team." Zatanna replied.
      "You still can't join." Zatara told her "I know, but I don't see why." Zatanna said in an almost whining voice. "Because it's to dangerous, I told you this already." He said "I seem to recall working pretty well with the team to beat Red Volcano." Zatanna said. "We both know that you and the team barley made it out alive and I don't want to see the day when your luck runs out." He said and Zatanna's face fell. They walked out of their home and towards the nearest zeta tube and the two were scanned and Zatanna typed in her destination. 'Recognized Zatanna Zatara A03' it announced and Zatanna hugged her father before stepping into the light.
Mt. Justice.
     Artemis and Zatanna walked out of the zeta tubes at the same time and immediately took notice of one another. "Oh hey Zatanna, you look great." Artemis said as the two walked "Oh thanks, you too." Zatanna replied. The friends stopped in front of M'gann in her zombie costume, Superboy wrapped like a mummy and Wally dressed like a werewolf. Along with wolf lying on the ground and Captain Marvel with face painted to be a zombie as well.
"Look zombie Captain Marvel, that's, hilarious. Zatanna said and chuckled "Is the Justice League having a party because my dad didn't mention it." She continued. "No, no, no, no see I." The older hero stammered while scratched his head "Fine I'm going trick or treating." He said before flying over to the zeta tubes. The computer announced his departure "And I'm not sharing my candy." He said crossing his arms as he disappeared. Artemis and Zatanna looked at the spot the league member once stood until they heard M'gann laughing. They turned to see the Martian continuing to wrap Conner in his mummy costume.
"So how long have Conner and Megan been a couple?" Zatanna asked leaning closer to Artemis and the archer laughed. "Couple, no, they're not a.." Artemis trailed off looking at the teams residents aliens interact in a playful manner. Artemis immediately started to walk back towards the zeta tubes and Zatanna ran after her.
"I'm sorry it just seemed so obvious I-I didn't realize, wait the dance." Zatanna said getting in Artemis' way and they both stopped walking. "Not in the mood." Artemis replied crossing her arms "Of course sitting at home with my mom doesn't seem any more appealing." She said. "Well there is another option." The magician said and raised her arms "Egnahc sehtolc otni ruo smrofinu!" She chanted. Smoke then engulfed the two friends and when it disappeared they stood there in their hero costumes instead of their Halloween ones.
"Girls night out." She said then Artemis noticed what Zatanna had done and the grin she got on her face was one of pure deviousness. "Follow me." The blonde said and the two snuck away from the others and into the cave's garage. Artemis grabbed her jacket with her logo on it and grabbed a black and gray one handing it to Zatanna. Artemis then programmed the computer and it scanned the heroes before activating. She proceeded to grab two helmets on for her and the other for Zatanna then the two got on their motorcycles before slowly driving through the teleporter.
The door opened and the two sped off on their bikes down the dirt road "Where are we?" Zatanna asked "Manhattan." Artemis replied. "Why you plan on going to my house?" The younger girl asked "No sorry I didn't know you lived around but come on there's gotta be a lot a crime around." Artemis said. They made it to the main road and continued driving for awhile before they heard sirens. They arrived to see police officers outside a museum with the caution tape already up indicating a crime scene not a crime in progress. "Whatever happened here is over, I want some action." Artemis exclaimed "But maybe what you need is to talk, about Conner and Megan or whatever." Zatanna replied. Artemis didn't respond she just revved the motorcycle and took off with Zatanna following behind.
     "What I need is something to beat up." Artemis said while the two flew down the road. They heard a scream and saw a man and woman cowering against an ATM machine being held at gun point. "Taeh taht s'nopaew latem." Zatanna chanted while Artemis drew an arrow and the would be mugged dropped his gun screaming. Artemis then fired her arrow which split into two that strapped him face first into a nearby tree.
     They drove some more and heard alarms going off and saw two men in masks exiting a magic store with bags full of cash. Artemis fired one, then two arrows pinning their bags to the ground and sped up her bike before kicking the first guy into the second, knocking them both out as she drove by.
      They drove for five more minutes not finding anything going on. "Hey there's a park up ahead let's pull over." Zatanna suggested and Artemis parked her bike on the curb across from the park entrance. They got off their bikes and walked into the park enjoying the relative silence until Artemis had enough of it. "Why are we here Zatanna?" The archer asked "I just think it would be nice to take a minute and talk." Zatanna replied and Artemis groaned. "Zatanna, why are you pushing this?" Artemis asked "Because you called me to the cave so you could talk then all we did was watch a movie." The magician said stopping Artemis.
"I told you I talked, it's just I talked to Black Canary and I called you cause I didn't think that I could talk to her." Artemis said breathing heavily. "Artemis I get that, what I don't get is the lying and the secrets." Zatanna replied "What do you mean?" The blonde asked getting nervous. Zatanna was going to respond but a scream broke their conversation and they saw a woman in jogger clothing surrounded by four men. Artemis took off running and Zatanna cast a spell making the girl float above her attackers then Artemis went on the attack.
Yelling as she ran the hero jumped kneeing one of the men in the chin and coming down kicking the second in the chest. She then dodged a punch by the third man and kicked him in the gut then proceeded to punch him in the back of the head sending him to the ground. Artemis then moved out of the way when the last man tried to tackle her and she brought her foot down on his head and officially stood there surrounded by the unconscious criminals.
Artemis looked at her good work before turning back and smiling at her partner in crime who didn't seem impressed by her actions. They went back on their path towards the entrance and saw their bikes still were they left them. "There were easier ways to take them." Zatanna exclaimed "They had it coming. No harm done." Artemis replied looking at Zatanna as they walked.
She felt bad for the way she had been acting towards Zatanna and she was going to apologize as to not ruin her chances with the raven haired girl. Her words however were cut short when their motorcycles exploded sending them both back onto the pavement. A man then stepped out of the flames holding a giant sword and wearing black pants, boots, no shirt and a shoulder less white trench coat with four red marks across his left eye. What caught Artemis's attention was the stone forearm he held in his other hand with a slit in the palm. "No, harm is not done. Much harm left to do." He said stopping before the two girls.
"The its can not escape harm." He said looming over them but they rolled onto there knees and Artemis drew an arrow. "Escaping isn't on the menu." She said then fired one arrow then another but both were sliced in half by the man's sword. "Arrows do not impress." He said walking forward again "Fine." Zatanna said getting on her feet "Taeh taht s'nopaew latem." The magian chanted heating the the sword to a molten looking state.
"Neither does its magic." He said as him and his weapon were unaffected by the spell "Both must do better or suffer harm." He said. "We get it your name is Harm." Artemis said rather annoyed while aiming another arrow. "Their ridiculous garb and rudimentary skills indicate instruction from Green Arrow and Zatara. Harm will study these two to learn methods in killing their mentors." He said pointing his sword at them.
"Oh you did not just threaten my dad. Etativel drows ot em." Zatanna said and Harm's sword shook in his hand but he didn't release his grip. "It wants Harm's sword, very well." Harm said and threw the large blade right at Zatanna's head. She barley dodged it time for it to hit the wall behind them instead of her.
     "Big mistake Harmster." Artemis yelled firing two explosive arrows but Harm jumped up and caught the arrows in mid air. He threw them back at the heroes and Zatanna tackled Artemis out of the way with the arrows exploding on impact. They rolled onto the ground and Zatanna saw a young girl in a white robe in the nearby alley waving for them to follow her. "On second thought running." Zatanna said getting up "Yeah, to regroup." Artemis agreed before running for the alley. "Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub." Zatanna chanted tuning the flames from the fire into a barrier around Harm to cover their escape. "Nice." Artemis said as they ran "Something I've been practicing since Red Volcan.." Zatanna said before she was interrupted.
      "Who's that?" Artemis asked seeing the young girl around another corner signaling for them to follow her. "Do you care right now?" Zatanna asked almost annoyed "No." Artemis quickly replied and they rounded the corner to be met with a brick wall.
     "Dead end." Zatanna exclaimed "Where'd she go?" Artemis asked and they turned at the sound of latter being dropped from the fire escape. They looked up to the top of the building and the girl was there looking back at them. "I like her already." Zatanna said and the two began their way up the building. They pulled themselves over the buildings ledge and ran towards the girl "Thanks for the assist." Zatanna said as they stopped in front of her. "Who are you?" The magician asked "Secret." The girl replied looking up at them "That won't cut it." Artemis said.
      "Do you know Harm, does he have any weaknesses?" The archer asked "Secret." The girl said pointing to the edge of the roof they were standing on. Zatanna let out a small gasp as Harm hoped on to the roof's ledge looking at the heroes with twisted eyes. "At least they make the hunt interesting." He exclaimed hoping down onto the roof and slicing the air with his sword. "He's fast I'll give him that." Artemis said taking out an arrow and shooting the large water tank next to them.
     The water gushed out and Zatanna was already casting a spell "Dloc dniw wolb! Dloc dniw wolb!Dloc dniw wolb!" She chanted and the water that covered Harm incased him as it turned to ice. However Harm's chest glowed in a way that made it look like a galaxy over his heart and the sword glowed just as bright before the ice trap blew apart with waves of energy that destroyed the large water tank.
    "Where'd little Miss Secret go?" Artemis asked as they ran "There." Zatanna said seeing the girl two roofs away. "Ok these boots, adorable. But for a chase sequence. Lacitcarp raewtoof won." The magician chanted as they jumped to the next building with Harm trailing behind. The two kept running building to building then they jumped on a building one story down from them. As they made it to the edge an orange blast of energy struck the ground before them. Artemis drew and arrow and they turned as Harm landed throwing a dagger that cut Artemis' bow string then her cheek and it was imbedded into the wall behind them.
     "Hold him off while I restring." The archer said then Zatanna engaged Harm but he dodged her punches and kicked her back. Artemis dropped her bow and blocked Harm's punch but he dodged her's to his chin. She got her crossbow and loaded it as she spun around ducking under his sword and came back up pointing an arrow at his neck while his sword was two inches away from hers. "You wanna fight with out the toys?" The blonde asked "It tries to bait Harm, leave Harm weak." He said placing his sword in the stone forearm. "But Harm has no weaknesses." He said putting his sword into the roof cracking the ground making it stand up right.
     Harm stepped back removing his coat and Artemis smiled as she sheathed her crossbow and took a fighting stance. They stared at one another before Artemis lunged forward throwing two punches both of which Harm easily dodged. She then kicked at his head which he ducked and blocked her kicks to his shin and head again. The archer came down on him but he moved and spun as she tried to punch him and dodged her elbow trying to hit his chin.
     Artemis continued with a left cross but he caught it and kneed the hero in the gut making her lose her breath but she quickly recovered fighting him again. Artemis came down again but again he dodged "So unfocused, it battles with inner demons and can't fight Harm while fighting its self." Harm mocked dodging a jab. "Harm does not fight his demons. Harm embraces them." He said. "But Harm senses it isn't just fighting but it tries to impress, but who." He continued and glanced behind her to where Zatanna stood. "Will Harm please shut up." Artemis said getting even angrier with him still throwing punches. He ducked her kick and she ran at him trying to kick again but he dodged and Artemis heard a scream she immediately recognized.
     "Zatanna." Artemis yelled losing focus and Harm slapped her making the hero fall to the ground next to her friend. "And it cares about others, another weakness. The sword rejected its in-pure heart." He said putting on his coat. "It has not made the sacrifices Harm has to become pure." Harm said looming over them. "Look, it's Secret." Zatanna said and there she was a couple roofs away "She hasn't led us wrong so far." Zatanna exclaimed and Artemis knew she was right reaching for an arrow from her quiver.
    It whined and when she threw it at Harm's feet smoke poured out making a thick wall covering their escape. They crossed two buildings and then jumped down multiple stories and rolled as they landed jumping back up. "She gone again. Now what?" Zatanna said. They then ran to the edge of the building but the next building however was across the street.
     There was a magic shop across the road but the young magician began to slightly panic as Harm drew near. "End of the line and we can't go back the way we came he's coming." The younger hero exclaimed. "We can zip line to that magic store." Artemis said keeping calm and pulling out her crossbow. Both heard energy whirring and they looked just in time to barley miss a shot of energy hitting the spot between them. "This can be no coincidence." Harm said as he landed "They are right on Harm's very roof." He said showing emotion for the first time in the night, anger. "How did they know. Tell Harm, now." He yelled griping his sword harder.
     "Wait. This is your place?" Artemis asked "No more games." Harm said and his sword glowed with energy and he then struck the roof. Energy surged from him to them faster then they could react and the pain surged through the two heroes before they collapsed. Artemis looked up at Harm before the darkness took over but she saw Secret there standing behind Harm looking down at them.
      Artemis woke with a start as she quickly realized she was tied to a chair in a strange room without one weapon on her person. "It dares to awaken." Harm's disembodied voice said filling the room and Artemis struggled harder. She looked around and the tv suddenly turned on with Zatanna similarly tied but also with a gag so she couldn't use her magic.
     "It will tell Harm its secrets or its partner will pay the price." He said and the archer noticed her own crossbow was set up and pointed strait at Zatanna's chest. "How do you know of Harm's home." The mad man said finally stepping out of the shadows "Ask your partner, she lured us here." Artemis spat. "Harm has no partners. Harm is pure and works alone." He said blocking her view of the tv and Zatanna.
     Harm began pacing back and forth but Artemis kept quite "It truly believes Harm had help. Perhaps the other it.." he cut himself off looking at the tv and seeing Zatanna was free. Harm grunted and stormed out of the room then Artemis felt the ropes being undone. Zatanna was there and Artemis hugged the magician but quickly pulled away "Here." Zatanna said handing Artemis her crossbow. "Let's go." Artemis replied and they ran out of the room then down the stairs. Secret was waiting at the bottom and Artemis aimed her crossbow but Zatanna pointed it at the ground shouting "Wait.".
     "Zatanna she's Harm's partner." Artemis said "Then why did she help me?" Zatanna asked "I don't know. 'Secret'." Artemis replied mocking the young girl before them. A glow drew their attention and Harm stood there pointing his sword and then fired a blast making them both jump down the stairs. They ran down the hall and into a kitchen then Zatanna turned on and opened the oven "What are you doing?" Artemis asked. "Do you have an arrow that makes a flame?" Zatanna replied ignoring the question. "Yeah?" The archer said priming the arrow sounding unsure "Good, when he comes down you fire that arrow and blow this place." Zatanna said heading for a door.
     Artemis smiled as she followed and turned as Harm came into the kitchen. She fired the arrow and followed Zatanna up the steps that led to what she believed was a seller door. Zatanna opened the door and the ground rumbled from the explosion and the magician grabbed Artemis' hand keeping her from falling. They realized they were in Harm's back yard and looked around for an escape until they saw a plank of wood sticking from the ground.
     They walked forward and knelt before it "Greta Hayes, beloved sister." Zatanna read aloud then Secret rose before them completely white and transparent. Zatanna gasped falling back and Artemis stood taking a few steps back and Secret or Greta as they now knew looked as she did before.
      "This is you grave. This is your secret. This is you." The magician exclaimed as if she just saw true magic for the first time and the girl simply nodded. "A ghost. An actual ghost." Artemis softly said still wide eyed Zatanna than stood up herself and took her place next to Artemis. "How did. How did you die?" Zatanna stammered looking at Greta still standing on her own grave. Greta didn't reply but simply held up her hands and an image of very familiar weapon appeared.
     "Harm's dagger." Artemis stated and a small explosion came from behind them then through the smoke Harm walked out standing with his sword at the ready. "They defile Harm's holy place." He growled "We defiled it. You did this to your own sister." Artemis said pointing to the joke of burial place. Then both girls were filled with rage as the sadistic piece of garbage before them smiled at the statement with satisfaction. "You're proud of it. And you had the gaul to write beloved." Artemis spat "Not gaul. Truth, she was the only thing Harm ever loved." He said taking a step forward. "That's why she had to go, Harm's heart had to be pure and Greta had to be excised like an infection." He replied.
      The heroes didn't react as they heard a familiar sound and Harm drew in a sharp breath before regaling his composure. "Ah, it cast another illusion spell." He said looking at Zatanna and the girl looked back at Greta. "Except I didn't speak. And Harm knows it can't cast a spell without speaking." The young girl replied looking smug for the first time in the night.
      Greta stepped forward and Harm gasped "You asked us how we found this place. Face it Harm, your secret's out." Artemis said. "No Harm's heart is pure." He said and his sword briefly crackled with electricity before it faded. "I'm not sorry. I'm not." He said and the heroes took notice he didn't refer to himself in the third person as his sword phased through Greta. The girl then reached into Harm's chest where the energy swirl was and pulled out a ball of energy and Harm gasped before falling to his knees.
     He quickly got up and slashed at Greta but the sword passed through her and he slashed again and the sword hit the ground. He then struggled to pick it up and the stone forearm's fingers began to move making a fist. He let go of the sword grasping the arm with both hands as it tried to reach for his face and he then threw it but it stopped in mid air. The sword then flew from the ground and into the slit of the palm then the stone fingers clasped around the hilt of the sword before falling to the ground.
      "I don't need the sword." He said pulling out his dagger passing through Greta and Artemis kicked the dagger out of his hands. "So unfocused. 'It can't fight us while fighting itself'." Artemis mocked as he grew frustrated.
     Harm threw a punch but she ducked and punched him in the face making him stagger and sent a kick to his gut and then his face knocking him to the ground. "Egnahc sehtolc otni sgnidnib." Zatanna said and Harm's trench coat turned into tatters before wrapping him in a secure hold. They saw Greta walk over to her grave and stopped as she stood on it. "We'll make sure you get a proper burial. We won't forget you Greta." Zatanna said "Secret." Greta said before going back into the ground.
     "I can't believe anyone would do that to his own sister. I mean if my.." Artemis said but cut herself off. "Your what? Artemis talk to me. Secrets don't stay buried obviously. It's better to bring them into the light." Zatanna said pointing to the grave before them. "Zatanna." Artemis said but was cut off "Artemis please, all I ask is for the truth cause if tonight proved anything is that you might get another chance to be truthful." Zatanna said.
     "The exercise maybe." Zatanna said "I'm not ready for that Zee so please don't ask." Artemis said looking at her freind. "Fine, then why are we here. Why did seeing Conner and Megan hurt you so much?" Zatanna asked. "Do you like Conner or something?" Zatanna asked "No." Artemis quickly replied wanting to tell Zatanna the truth about how she felt. "It's just that they shouldn't have kept it a secret." Artemis said "It didn't look like they were hiding it." Zatanna replied "But they didn't tell us either." Artemis said. "At least you told me." Zatanna said and Artemis smiled but it quickly faded as sirens approached.
"Cops are coming." The archer exclaimed "Well we did blow up the kitchen." Zatanna said smiling "That was your idea." Artemis replied regaining a smile of her own. She turned towards the fence and walked until she was met with the hole drawing her attention to the magic store across the street. When she read the sign her heart broke "Zatanna look." She said before she could stop herself from making the younger girl feel worse.
     The signs lights were all almost out except for the several letters that spelled out one word 'Secret'  and Artemis darkly said "Must've been the last thing Greta ever saw."
Mt. Justice.
      The two girls walked through the cave feeling exhausted from fighting and talking to the police and agreed they should get patched up. Going to the nearest first aid kit located in the living room they sat down and to Zatanna's surprise Artemis began laughing. "Why are you laughing?" The magician asked "I'm sorry it's just, I don't know it's just I guess problems with M'gann and Conner get put in perspective when you almost die." Artemis said. "It's silly that being upset led us to capturing a psychopath who's sisters ghost helped us do it." She continued.
     Zatanna let out a slight laugh before putting disinfecting alcohol on a pad and touched the cut on the archers cheek making her hiss and pull away. "Sorry." The raven haired girl quickly said frozen in place "No, it's fine just a little warning please." Artemis said smiling. "Well hold still." Zatanna said and Artemis did as she was told and let the young girl clean her wound.
     "Are you okay?" The blonde suddenly asked "A few bruises that'll definitely hurt tomorrow but nothing serious." Zatanna replied. She then placed a bandage on Artemis' cheek "All done." Zatanna exclaimed and Artemis slightly touched her new bandage. "Thanks." The blonde said "No problem, now all we haft to do is explain to both our parents how this happened." The magician said and Artemis chuckled. The two sat there in silence and Zatanna couldn't help but steal glances at the girl beside her.
     Zatanna still felt that Artemis was closed off but it gave her this warm feeling in her chest that she got to see more of her freind in this new light. Zatanna was aware of the staring and the heat in her cheeks at looking at the archer but didn't know what to do about it. Luckily or unlucky how you look at it she couldn't think very long as the rest of their friends chose that moment to walk in.
     "What happened to you two?" Conner asked ripping the toilet paper that was a costume off his body. "Oh you know, stopped a psycho and blew up his kitchen. The usual." Artemis calmly replied and Conner just grunted and kept walking but M'gann stayed behind. "Are you two okay." The green girl asked "Yeah Megan were fine." Zatanna replied and she felt a buzz in her pocket.
     "Oh crap." The younger girl exclaimed "What is it Zee?" Artemis asked and Zatanna chose to ignore the way she liked the nickname instead answered the question. "I have six missed calls from my father so I should get going." Zatanna said rising to her feet "Me too." Artemis said following her friends lead. After saying good night and each one hugging M'gann before going to the zeta tubes. "So tonight was pretty fun all things considered." Artemis said as the two came to a stop and Zatanna put in her destination.
     "Yeah at least we did something good." Zatanna said "Agreed." Artemis replied and the tubes scanned the magician 'Zatanna Zatara A03' it announced and glowed. "So if I don't get grounded we should try a more calm girls night." The raven haired girl said and to her joy Artemis smiled. "Yeah we should." The blonde replied and the two heroes embraced in a hug before Zatanna walked into the light.
Zatanna's house.
     Zatanna entered her home slowly and saw her father standing there with his arms crossed and a very angry look. "Hi dad." Zatanna said nonchalantly as she could "Don't." He said at almost a growl which made the young girl feel smaller than she was.
"You lied to me." Zatara said as Zatanna sat down on the coach "I didn't lie it's just plans changed and I didn't call." Zatanna replied. "You were going to a Halloween party at a school how could that change?" He asked calmly. "I got there and met up with the team, also Ms.M and Superboy are dating by the way." Zatanna said to her fathers apparent annoyance. "Yeah, well then Artemis got upset at seeing them and I was trying to make her feel better." The young girl began but was cut off.
"Of course it was Artemis, I should have known she'd get you into trouble and worse almost get you killed." He ranted. "Dad." Zatanna yelled getting up and stopping the older magician short in his words at the sudden outburst. "Artemis is not a problem in fact we were attacked and she put herself in literal harms way to protect me, heck she even got injured doing it." Zatanna said and this point she was breathing heavily.
"Really?" Her father asked "Yeah and I understand the danger but we caught a murder and a psychopath." Zatanna answered. "Am I grounded?" The younger girl asked rubbing her arm and not meeting her fathers eyes.
"Yes, but because you didn't tell me not for stoping a bad man. I'm proud of you." Zatara said and the Zatanna eye brows shot up. "You are?" She hesitantly asked "Of course, you seemed to work well with Artemis if you were able to beat him." He said and the blush Zatanna got did not go unnoticed. "Thanks um can I talk to you about something else?" The young girl asked not looking at her father "Of course."  He said and sat on the couch while Zatanna stood.
     "So like you said I work well with Artemis and I was wondering if there was something you could help me with?" She asked looking to her father who sat there quietly. "I have this feeling around Artemis and since you've probably heard of every spell ever is there something wrong with me?" Zatanna asked her father and he just laughed.
"What's so funny?" She asked in pure confusion and had to wait for her father's laughter to die down. "I suppose to some it is like magic." He said "What does that mean?" She asked and Zatara stood and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You appear to like Artemis in a more than friendly way." The older magician said and it took Zatanna a moment before she finally caught on. "Woah." Was all she had to say "Are you okay with this?" She asked looking to her father "Of course." He replied embracing his daughter in a hug.
I'm a little so-so on this chapter honestly but feel free to comment and give me ideas on how I should do future chapters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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