Chapter 3: Truth or Dare

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(Bill's POV)

When we got back to my house, the Losers' easily noticed our swollen lips and gave us knowing smirks. Everyone but Ben was outside, because I could see him inside, drinking some water. We all went inside and sat in a circle in my living room, with Bev being snuggled up against me, and Eddie leaning against Richie. "Okay!" Richie said, clapping. "Bill, truth or dare?" he said, smirking evilly. "M-mama didn't r-raise n-no b-bitch. D-d-dare me," I said confidently. 

(Bev's POV)

I giggled at Bill's response, and he just looked down at me adoringly. "I dare you to put whipped cream on Bev's lips, and lick it off," Richie said. (Idek anymore XD) I shrugged and leaned off of Bill and onto Stanley, who was next to me, as Bill got up and went to the kitchen. I could basically see the steam coming out of Ben's ears, which made me giggle and whisper it to Stanley, who almost fell over from laughing so hard. 

(Bill's POV) 

I looked in the living room to see a pissed off Ben, a confused Richie, Eddie, and Mike, and a laughing so hard they look like they're dying Bev and Stanley. I chuckled softly and grabbed the whipped cream, walking back and setting Bev on my lap. I smiled apologetically and dabbed (DAB) some whipped cream on her lips, before licking it all of, and pecking her on the lips after. She smiled and climbed off my lap, only to grab a blanket and snuggle me. 

(Eddie's POV) {Betcha didn't think dis would happen}

Look at them! They're so cute together. 

(Author's POV)

For the rest of the night, the Losers' played the game. Ben got so angry he punched Bill, getting him kicked out of the Losers' Club. ( I just needed to get rid of a character and since I don't think Ben is a big one, he should be the one gone. Idk, what do you guys think? Comment down below if I should add him back as a bully, back in the Losers' Club, or just get rid of him all in all. )

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