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"Welcome to Marriott Hotels, Madam."

Jennifer Goldwin looked at her hotel suite and let out a small gasp "This is just amazing!"

"I knew that you'd like it," said David with a smile. "This suite has been customized to your preferences. We have the food made especially for you by our Michelin star chef- Chef Nick L'Roufard."

"Thanks a lot, David. I really appreciate everything."

"This is your itinerary for today, Jennifer. You'll be visiting the famous Shalimar Gardens, Chashme Shahi, Hazrat Bal and Charare Sharif."

"Sounds good to me, David."

*At Shalimar Gardens*

Both of them walk at a leisurely pace in the garden, with Dal Lake in the background. They could feel the slight chill in the air, with the cool mist surrounding them and sparrows chirping away.  The sky was a beautiful purple with bursts of red, pink and orange. 

Jennifer gently touches a rose, deepest maroon, speckled with light blue colour in its centre. "This is so awesome. Have never seen so many flowers and varieties all in one place. You can see miles and miles of flowers. They look like waves gently waving out to me."

"It is," said David with a nod. "The word Shalimar in Sanskrit means 'abode of love'. The Shalimar Gardens were built by Mughal Emperor Jahangir for his wife Noor Jahan, in 1619."

"Do you want to rest, Jennifer or shall we move on to our next destination- The Chashme Shahi?"

"No, I'm good and ready to go. We'll take a break over there."

*At Chashme Shahi*

"Why is it called Chashme Shahi?" Jennifer asked casually.

"Chashme Shahi means the royal spring in Urdu. It was made by Mughal Governor Ali Mardan Khan in 1632, on the orders of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan as a present for his eldest son- Dara Shikoh.
Legend has that the water of the spring has medicinal properties and is a cure for all illnesses. The water is really sweet, so much that the late Prime Minister of India-Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter, Indira Gandhi used to get the water of the spring to Delhi." said David.

Her jaw dropped open "This is just incredible." She stared at the spring, lost in time and wondered about the craftsmanship of the workers, the fine detailing. Running her fingers over the sculpture coarse with the effects of time, she was transported to another era.

"Do you want to stay for some more time or shall we leave, Jennifer?"

"Aye, I'd like to leave. It's been a long day. Can we continue with the remaining places tomorrow, David?"

"Sure," said David smiling.

Touching the watch on their hands and with a ding, both of them are teleported to the Marriott Hotels in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It's almost midnight when Jennifer reaches her dorm. 

"Well, how was it?" asked her roommate and bestie, Shanaya, eagerly.

"It was fantastic from the word go. The watch's AI makes it possible for someone like me to tour Srinagar. We [David- my tour guide and me]  were given this watch at the Marriot Hotel which teleported us to the Marriott Hotels, Srinagar. I even had lunch made by their Michelin Star Chef- Nick L'Roufard! We had a tour of the Shalimar Gardens and Chashme Shahi, Shanaya. Seems surreal at the moment. Loved every moment of it."

"Can't wait to go there," said Shanaya with stars in her eyes. 

"You will. Very soon. And the rates are so cheap. This AI technology in a watch will revolutionize the hotel industry worldwide and the management of The Marriott hope to see more tours of this kind organized in the coming days." said Jennifer with delight. "This was their first trip." 

"Looking forward to the future. To a new destination. Cheers to us." chorused both of them.

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