Chapter 4: Problems

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Summer's pov

I met Violet at Starbucks. She was worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked Violet.

"I'll tell you a little later." Violet replied.

"Ok. What do you want?"

"Vanilla latte please."

I ordered what me and Violet want.

"Here is your vanilla latte." I said.

"Thank you." Violet replied.

""No problem."

"So what did you get?"

"A vanilla latte."

Violet laughed. "we're long lost sisters then."

""I don't think so. We look nothing alike."

"I guess you're right."

"So what's making you worried?"

Violet sighed. "I saw a guy trying to kill an innocent woman."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I used my dark magic, but the ghost returned. The ghost told me that when I used dark magic, a part of my soul dies." Violet explained.


"The ghost said that my powers are special and it comes with a price." Violet said sadly.

I hugged her. "Don't worry, we'll go through this together as friends." I said.

Violet smiled. "thank you for cheering me up."

"Your welcome." I smiled.

Ashlynn's pov

I was just listening to music. The song I was listening to is I burn by Casey lee williams ft. Lamar Hall.

"Oh look who it is. It's Ashlynn Hyde." said the most popular girl, Mary.

I ignored her.

"Are you listening jackass?"

I took off my headphones and pulled her by the collar of her dress.

"What did you say?"

"I said, are you listening jackass?" she repeated.

My eyes turned red. "You wanna fight asshole?!"

I punched her in the face. Her pretty face is ruined. Her followers ran away scared.


I turned around to see Camilla.

"You punched Mary?" she asked.

I nodded ashamed of what I did. I have anger issues and I can't control them. It was a problem for me. I had my powers when it was winter. I was breathing out the cold air but instead I breathe fire.

It'a spring right now.

"I'm sorry." I said. "It's just I can't control my anger issues, I let it all out.

"I understand." Camilla said.

I sighed. She doesn't understand.

Author's note

I'm trying to make the chapters long and not short. If you guys know, Ashlynn's power is fire. In the next chapter, I will show you what's Camilla's power is. Ashlynn is kind of a mix of Cinder and Yang.

Ashlynn can bend fire, but she has anger issues like Yang. Please vote if you like this story. And comment on your thoughts of the chapter or the story so far.

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