Chapter 21: End this madness

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Violet's pov

I fell down on the floor and groaned.

"What was that for?"

"I'm sorry, child. I need to be in a hurry." Midnight said.

"It's ok." I got up and dusted off the dust from my clothes.

I looked around and noticed we were in some kind of ballroom.

"Why are we in a ballroom?"

"This ballroom is where people like you train to become an expert at dark magic." Midnight explained.

"The ballroom looks nice."

"Yes it is."

"Midnight, glad to see you here." A tall brown haired man said.

"Who are you?" I asked the tall man.

"My name is Eric and I will help you to become an expert at dark magic."

"It's nice to meet you, Eric. My name is Violet."

"I have heard a lot about you."

"Wait, how?"

"You're very popular in the magical realm." Eric said. "Everyone here in the realm know about the prophecy."

"So is that a good thing?"

"Yes it is, child." Midnight said. "Everyone wants the demon king to be vanished and never heard of again."

"Wow. They really hate him."

"So now moving along, let's start the training shall we?"

I nodded.

30 minutes later, the training was swift. Eric told me I was a fast learner, which I am. He also said I did a good job and I should practice my dark magic everyday. Midnight teleported me back to my room and said goodbye to me.

By now, the sun was setting. I decided to take a nap.

Summer's pov

I looked at my Instagram. Lots of the comments on my photos were just, "you look pretty" or "wanna date?"

I mean come on. People sometimes judge me by my looks and not my personality, which I think is stupid. I would like a guy if he has a great personality and cares about me.

I turned off my iPhone and I laid down on my bed. I was exhausted. I thought of what happened to the other girls. They must be tired.

My iPhone rang and I looked at my phone and saw I had a text message from Camilla.

"What's up?" Camilla texted me.

"I'm exhausted." I typed back.

"I know, even Ashlynn is tired."

"Do you think we will ever banish the demon king?"

"Yes. It says so in the prophecy."

"I guess we'll find a way to end this."

And I turned off my iPhone. We will find a way to end this madness. I'm 100% sure.

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