Chapter 4: My 🌎❤️

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"Y/N, have you seen my sweater?" Jimin questioned from the other side of the bathroom door.
"I put it in your closet. It's hanging by the back."
"Okay, thank you~"
You smiled to yourself as you fixed up the last of your mascara. You usually don't wear any makeup at all, but you felt the urge to look pretty today. You had your hair neatly done in a cute bun at the top of your head, a yellow knitted sweater tucked into a black skirt that you were wearing, complimented by some white sneakers. You let out a small sigh and smiled in satisfaction at the outfit you pulled together. Suddenly, you noticed you had gotten texts from the group chat.

Bulletproof 💥:

LMFAO no but if you really feel that way then just tell her.
-Taehyungie 🥂

Hm? What are you talking about?
-Lisa 💖

I'm so confused, what's going on ?

LMFAO Kookie has a crush ;))
-Twinkle Toes 💙

-Kookie 🍪

LMFAOOOO so just ask her? Weren't you a playboy in high school?
-Hobi ☀️

no he just hung out with Jimin.
- Joonie 🦀

He definitely did.
-Taehyungie 🥂

Shut up I'm trying to sleep.
-Lil meow meow 🐱


Y/N can you get out the bathroom I have to pee.
-Kookie 🍪

OH LMAO, yea I'll come out now.

You picked up your things from the bathroom and applied some lipgloss before leaving.
"Ooh, you look pretty." Jungkook complimented, giving you his bunny smile.
"I know. Don't stay in the bathroom too long, our lecture starts at twelve."
He nodded his head and softly closed the bathroom door behind him. It was ten AM, and you all decided to go get some breakfast before heading to the campus together.

So where are you?

I'm a couple blocks away I should be there soon...
Also when I knock I won't have to hear Jimin name moan right...
-Kaya 🌻

LMFAOOOO no, you won't. Those weren't real moans anyway, he just wanted you and Jungkook to go away.

Alright I'll let you know when I'm here.
-Kaya 🌻

You walked downstairs with your things and set your phone on the table, noticing Jimin sitting on the couch fiddling with his phone.

"What are you doing?" You questioned sweetly as you stood in front of him. He looked up from his phone and smirked at you as he scanned your body.
"Nothing." He mumbled, standing up to look at you face to face.
"You look different." He stated as he licked his lips. "I can't remember the last time you wore a skirt."
You shrugged your shoulders and intertwined your hands behind your back.
"If I'm being honest, neither can I."
Jimin chuckled and leaned in for a sweet, but short kiss.
"You're wearing lipgloss." He pointed out, pecking it off your lower lip.
"Well at least you were." He whispered before leaning in again. Jimin had his hands tucked away in his pockets, continuing to move his lips completely in sync with yours.
"You're evil Y/N...stealing all my energy this early in the morning." He breathed, attempting to take a step closer.
You chuckled in between the kiss and removed your lips from his, giving him a teasing smile.
"Save it. You'll need your energy for later." You winked. Jimin's face turned a dark red as his eyes widened.
"Wow, really?"
"Duh, you go to Juilliard for dance." You reminded, smirking devilishly in his direction. He scoffed and shook his head as he cocked up his eyebrow.
"Fair enough."
You stuck out your tongue and walked toward the door when you heard the knocks. Surprisingly, it wasn't just Kaya standing at the door, but she was accompanied by Rosé.
"Oh hey Rosé, hey Kaya." You smiled brightly widening the door for them to enter.
"I hope you don't mind, Jimin texted me earlier and told me about it and I really wanted to spend some more time with you." Rosé explained.
"Girl it's no problem. We're leaving soon, and Jimin is sitting in the living room if you want to talk to him."
She nodded her head and smiled. "Thanks Y/N!" She happily bowed before walking over to the couch.
"She scares me a little.." Kaya mumbled as she looked at Rosé from the front door.
"What do you mean?"
"She's so nice it scares me. In the dramas, people nice like her are the serial killers." She mumbled as you locked the doors. You chuckled and shook your head. "I'm sure it's all in your head. I doubt she could even kill a fly. Plus I like her, she's kind and I like kind people." You completed your thought.
"Okay sis." Kaya mumbled cocking up her eyebrows before following you into the living room.
"Jungkook hurry up!" You yelled as you all began to grab your things.
"I'm coming!" He yelled almost running down the stairs. He was wearing a fit black t-shirt and grey sweatpants with white sneakers.
"Hm." You heard a hum from your left ear.
"Talk about muscle pig am I right?" You whispered to Kaya, giggling at her. She flashed you a cheesy smile and shrugged her shoulders.
"I've always been a fan of bacon." She joked, laughing softly before walking out the door. You let out a loud chuckle and took Jimin's hand before the five of you headed out to breakfast.
You all settled in at the diner that was a couple minutes away from the school, and ordered a few after you sat in your seats. You sat next to Jimin and Kaya, while Rosé sat next to Jungkook.
The morning seemed to be going well. The conversations never died and everyone enjoyed the food that they had ordered.
"So how'd you and Y/N meet?" Rosé questioned Jimin.
"Mm! I've been dying to know that too." Kaya stated, her voice muffled due to the pancakes she had stuffed in her cheeks.
"Funny story actually. Y/N and I started dating last year as seniors because I was a huge mess." Jimin admitted, chuckling a little since he was embarrassed.
"This satan was a real jerk to me and he needed help with math so my brother made me tutor him. Then we made a bet with each other saying that if he can get me to fall for him in a week we have to start dating."
"Oh so you gave in?" Rosé teased.
You giggled softly and nodded your head. "A small potato like myself just couldn't resist this mochi." You smiled.
"You two sound like a book or some kind of drama." Kaya joked, taking a sip of her banana milk. Jungkook nodded and combed his hair out of his face.
"I guess it does." Rosé added. "Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom. Wait up for me okay?"
You nodded your head as she got out of her seat and into the bathroom.
"Jimin, Kookie do me a favor and go pay, the old lady at the cash register is asleep so I don't think they're gonna come over here." You whispered, handing them the money. The two boys nodded their heads and accepted the money before heading up to the front to pay, leaving you and Kaya to tidy up the table. Once you all recollected yourselves, you headed to the campus and let the afternoon roll by.


Jimin's P.O.V

I sighed and leaned against the dance room mirror breathlessly. I was sweaty, my hair stuck to my forehead, and the white tank top I had on was soaked. But all in all, it's been a great day.
"Yah, What are you doing today after school?" Taemin questioned me, plopping down onto the wooden floors beside me. I shrugged.
"I don't think I'm doing anything. I might just go and stick to my girlfriend." I added, taking a few gulps from my water bottle.
"Oh, well me and a couple friends of mine were just going to go out for a little if you wanted to come."

Well, I haven't been hanging with anyone from my department, so it wouldn't hurt right?

"Yea sure, just give me a sec to pull myself together."
Taemin nodded his head and stood up before making his way over to the showers.

Y/N, will you be okay if I hung out with Taemin and his friends?

Yea of course! Just be safe okay? Love you ~
- My 🌎❤️

Also, you don't have to ask me lmao, just remember to text me so I know you're still alive.
-My 🌎❤️

Okay hehe, love you too y/n~

I smiled at my phone, feeling my heart beat strongly against the wall of my chest.

Ahh, my Y/N really is the best...

"Jimin, are you coming ?" Taemin yelled from the bathroom.
"Huh? Oh yea, coming!"

End of Jimin's P.O.V

You packed up your things and swung your bag over your shoulder at the end of the lecture.
"Hey Kaya, wanna come over today?"
"Hm?" She looked up at you and brushed a curl away from her face. "Yea, definitely. Is Rosé coming?"
"Huh, a girls night in sounds nice doesn't it? I'll ask her."
Just then, you saw Rosé headed for the door with a cute smile on her face.
"Ro, wanna come over and have a girls night?" You called out, catching her attention.
"Ro? Thats cute." She chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Girls night sounds awesome, but I promised my dad I would help organize some of the after school activities and it'll probably take a while. Can I swing by around seven?"
You gave her a thumbs up, earning a big smile from her before she left the room.
"First, I think we should go get a milkshake. Milkshakes are good for the soul." Kaya joked intertwining her arm with yours.
"Oh, I spent all my money in the diner-"
"Don't worry about it, I got this. When I drink we all drink. Plus, I just got paid so right now so I'm reech." She made a weird facial expression at you. You laughed softly as you both exited the school, walking toward the train station.


Hey y'all! These chapters are a little slow but I promise it'll get better ~

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