chapter 13

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chapter thirteen
you storm off and drove to logans apartment and when you got there you grabbed the bear that Logan won for you and went to your apartment
Logans POV
When y/n stormed off I felt bad because she probably thought I didn't believe her but I did and I don't know how to make it up to her. I went to go buy y/n a pizza just because that's her favorite food. After I went to my apartment but y/n wasn't there so I went to her apartment
Logan knocks on the door
Y; who is it? *sniffles*
L; pizza guy (playing around)
You open the door
Y; *laughs* I don't know if I should be mad at you or the fact that I fell for that
Logan saw you were crying and immediately but the pizza down and hugged you. He put his chin on your head
L; I'm sorry baby you probably thought I didn't believe you I just got mad because Anthony  just got on my nerves
y; I'm sorry too I should have told you. From now on we have to be completely honest with each other
L; agreed *he lifted up your chin and kissed you*
*the next day*
L; hey baby are you going anywhere tonight?
Y; umm actually yeah I'm going out for girls night
L; alright than I'll go hang out with George or something *later on that night*

started as bestfriend // logan paul fanficWhere stories live. Discover now