chapter 18

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chapter eighteen
Logans POV
So I was in my hotel room and I decided to go on social media and like a couple things so I went on my tags and I saw that people where tagging me in a picture of y/n holding hands with another guy. So I decided to text her
Text message
L: y/n what is this *sent the picture*
Y: I can explain Logan but I rather much wait till you get home
L: no y/n I want you to explain now!!
Y: Logan I don't wanna argue. Can we just wait till you get home
L: fine but I'll be home at 3 my flight leaves in about an hour
End of messages
Your POV
When Logan texted me I just didn't want to argue because I haven't seen him in a month and I really miss him. The picture was a misunderstanding it was an illusion where it looked like we were holding hands but we weren't. Another reason I didn't want o argue was because the past month I haven't really been feeling well and I've been having morning sickness.
*an hour later*
Logan came home and he looked kinda mad
L: alright now can you explain!!
Y; Logan are you seriously mad at me
L; yes y/n I'm gonna for a month and you literally forget about me what the heck *screaming*
Y: can we just pause please
L; no y/n. We can't pause right now because I need an explain
Y; baby please can we just pause
L; why do you wanna pause so bad
You jump on Logan and smash your lips onto his ....

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