Chapter 2

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Falling out of Order

Chapter 2

Mako widened his eyes and his body stiffened as he suddenly felt a knife against his throat and a hand across his body, pulling him back into the gloomy alley. He mentally cursed himself, knowing that he should have checked the alley of all places. He was roughly shoved back into the wall with a grunt, scowling at whoever put their hands on him. Mako hated being touched. Especially by a stranger and especially when using force. The knife didn't scare him. Mako had been in similar situations all throughout his life, but what made him hesitate was the look at the other man's face.

Maybe it really was...Luka.

He was about to open his mouth and say something when he felt a hand feeling for the back of his neck, and he was turned slightly again. Mako knew what he was searching for, which confirmed that it was indeed his older brother. He could see the shock and disbelief of Luka's face and it hit Mako with a pang of guilt. If he hadn't just vanished like that, then Luka wouldn't be in such pain. But then Mako forced himself to think about what Luka did to him and he hardened his jaw and shoved his brother away from him.

"Don't," he muttered gruffly.

That was for Luka putting his hands on him like that. Mako hated thinking about the brand he had gotten from the Russian mafia. Looking at his brother more clearly now, Mako could see that he had changed. Luka too, no longer looked like the soldier he once knew, and actually looked up to. Here was just a shell of what he had once been. That's what war did to a person. Mako could only imagine what being a POW was like.

He frowned when he saw that Luka's face was cut and bruised. A flare of anger passed through him as he grew protective. Mako himself wasn't sure if he wanted Luka to see that he missed him. He wanted to stay angry and bitter, but it was becoming harder to do so.

"What the fuck happened to your face? As a high-ranking soldier, I would have thought you would be able to handle yourself better," he scowled at him and muttered aggressively.

That was Mako's way of saying that he was concerned.

Luka still couldn't believe that it really was Mako. He thought his brother would hate him forever, and the shove he received told him that Mako still wasn't too fond of him. Luka didn't blame him for being pissed. The fight the two brothers had gotten into, the day he got his brother discharged from the military, was a day he hated himself for. And everything that came afterward, was all for his brother's safety. It was either his brothers squad was going to be ambushed or it was his. And there was no way he'd let it be his brother's, so he led his own squad into it. He could never tell his brother that though, it had been forbidden. If he had told Mako, his superiors would have had Mako killed. Luka despised the army for the shit they did behind the public's backs, but he couldn't reveal the truth to anyone or else him or his brother would suffer the consequences.

Luka traced his good eye up and down his brother, squinting when he was still trying to figure out why and how his brother was there. He was also stunned with how roughly he was shoved, thinking for a second that his brother was there to fight him to get revenge, not sure as to how much Mako still hated him. But if his brother was there to just beat the hell out of him, he would let him. His brother deserved that much at least. Luka kept his distance, replacing the knife back into the inside of his jacket, after giving a brief glance around themselves, knowing himself that they were in dangerous territory and had to be careful. Luka tried to force away those thoughts of his brother being there only to pound his face in, seeing now that he wasn't and only didn't want to be touched. God, what has his brother been through? He had a piercing in his eyebrow...and the rest of him...he looked like a hoodlum. Luka was the reason why his brother ended up this way. There was so much he needed to know about Mako from the time they were apart.

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