This Is Important

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Okay please read this as it is important to the story that you are about to read.

If you do not know what Hanahaki Disease is then I will explain it to you guys.

Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

This is the disease Jungkook has. And the disease Taehyung, later on, will get as well.

If you do not cure Hanahaki Disease, the person that has it will pass on. In their time of having Hanahaki Disease, their bodies will start to lose weight, they will throw up blood, their skin will turn deadly pale, and they go through three phases.

Phase 1: Good

Loss of hunger, throwing up constantly, coughs of single petals, will always be weak, loss of weight, not deadly pale skin. Not really dying just yet, can get over it if moved on.

Phase 2: Okay

Throwing up blood will then throw up petals as well, have to have someone feed them, almost deadly pale skin, will be light as a feather. Needs to move on immediately, surgery will help.

Phase 3: Horrible

Throwing up full flowers covered in blood, deadly pale skin, bones will be showing, nothing can help them now. If the person does say yes to the surgery it will have to be fast as the flowers roots and thorns are already covering the insides. If they have not done the surgery or moved on, the person will die.

Now to another thing.

Jimin passed away from Hanahaki Disease as well. He was in love with Yoongi, but at that time he was and still is dating Hoseok. When Jungkook dies he meets Jimin. The story will explain later on what goes on between them. I do not want to spoil any more things for you guys.

There will be depression and suicidal thoughts in here, so if you are easily triggered please leave immediately, this story will be sad, and there will be a lot of deaths in here. Now that we got that out of the way.

Please enjoy the story that I am creating out of inspiration from other stories that I have read.

Peace :)

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