Chapter 19: Twinkle Twinkle

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November 29, 2014

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November 29, 2014

7:47 a.m ( S/O to soulsexual for getting me into number meaning)

I woke up early the next morning. I crept into the kitchen seeing Mama Ava at the island sitting on a stool drinking coffee. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Good Morning mama," I spoke giving her a weak smile.

"Good morning baby! How are you feeling?"

"Drained, but I'll feel better when Elise gets here," I said dropping my head and placing my palms down on the counter.

"You know what happened yesterday is not ok right," she questioned while coming over to my side of the island. She placed her hand gently on my shoulder and I craned my neck to look at her in her eyes. "My daughter is resilient and though oftentimes dramatic, she prefers to be a peacemaker. In my opinion, she has reached her breaking point with Jhene. Hell, I know I have".

I turned my body completely around shocked to have heard Mama Ava curse. She was never one to raise her voice or jump out of character so I knew that this was serious.

"I remember when you and Elise got engaged. That girl was so happy. She had this twinkle in her eye every time she spoke about you. Then, Jhene inboxed her on Facebook telling Elise how she would always come second to her because she was your first love and the mother of your kids. That was the first time I saw that light dim. Elise handled it with class and chose not to respond because at the time you and Jhene were having the child support hearings and she didn't want to damage that."

She paused and removed her hands from me and looked idly around the kitchen. "But last night," she said finally meeting my eyes, " I think that twinkle finally went out".

My eyes immediately began to water. Had I been that blind to Jhene's actions that I forced Elise to shrink in her role as my wife? I didn't even know Jhene inboxed her. What else has went on without me knowing.

"Handle your business, don't let your business handle you son," Mama Ava said grabbing her coffee and leaving the kitchen. I just stood there lost in my thoughts before retreating to my room.

I know that this chapter is short and it was intentional because today is going to be a long day. Do you remember what this day is?

I really want you all to get a feel for everyone's emotions today because there will be many. Just bear with me on this as we journey. 

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