Chapter 4

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I played with my fingers as I sat on my bed, I've been in this place for as long as I can remember. No one fought for me. No one did anything. I'm just not cared about, I made some friends here, they don't care. I guess it's not friends.

Just about an hour ago I was told this women was gonna be here to take me with her, I'm excited I really am. I doubt it'll last long. I heard her name was Pattie, that she also had two kids and lived in New York.

I looked around the room I've been staying, well.. living in, for the last time. She and them won't like me. None of them did, apparently I have problems. I don't though. Picking up my bags and standing up, it's not a lot of bags. I only have some things.

They, social workers, said she arrived here in Cali about two days ago. Today was the day she was coming to take me and go back to where she lives. Walking around the room but stop as I hear my name. "Justin!" I turn around and look at the worker, sad to say but.. she's my actual only real friend. "Uh yeah?" I say. She chuckles and walks to me and pulls me into a hug and of course I hug her back. "I'm gonna miss you, you know that right jay?" She asked. I nodded and spoke, "I know, I'll miss you too."

"Anyways.. enough of the mushy stuff.. she's here" she said, I again nodded and grabbed my stuff and followed her down the hallway. I looked at the walls and such. I just hope these people don't make stuff up about me... or I just hope they are abusive. I'd like to fit in there, I know for sure that it's gonna be a big change. Well most likely the weather there. I hope no one robs me, not that I have stuff that they'll want, I've heard so many things about New York City. I barely heard any good stuff. I run into Marcie,social worker. I look up and see that she has stopped walking.

I look to the side and see a somewhat short yet beautiful women. Before I could even let a word out or breath, she pulled me into a tight,nice, motherly hug. I hugged back awkwardly. I think it was two minutes she pulled away from the hug and smiled at me, I smiled small. "Hi, I'm Pattie" she introduced herself a bit.  "Justin" I whispered, "I know sweetie" Pattie said.

"We should get going. We have to be at the airport in two hours." I nodded and turned and hugged Marcie. A minute or so I pulled back and whispered a bye. Picking my stuff up again I followed Pattie, we reached her car and I looked at her for permission to open the car door.

"You don't have to ask Justin, you can just get in." She spoke nicely. I opened the door and hopped in, shutting he door softly and Buckling up as Pattie done the same. I set my bags down at my feet. I looked out the window and looked at the building I technically grew up in. It got smaller and smaller as the cab guy continued to drive. It was very silent until she decided to speak.

"You're gonna love it there, my daughter, her name is Selena and she's 14, she's a really sweet girl and I believe you will get along with her well. Since you are about just the same." "Ignore my son Jason, he's the oldest by the way, he's very moody and likes things his way. If he does anything please tell me and I'll deal with him, okay?"

I nodded. I felt somewhat scared to meet her son Jason, he sounded like a very mean guy. What would he do to me if I don't do things his way? I don't want to think about it, anything he would do something bad. I am excited to meet Selena. She sounds nice, if Pattie said she's about just like me.

Then I hope she likes Mario Cart or some games that are actually fun. I wonder what their house looks like. Is it small? Big? Medium? Are they messy? Oh god please don't let them be. I absolutely hate messes. I'm a clean freak by the way. My thoughts get stopped as the car comes to a stop.

"Come on Justin. We're at the airport" she said. I grabbed my stuff and unbuckled and hopped out, I look around and than look back at her, she paid the cab some money and shut the door and walked to me. She grabbed my hand nicely and walked me into the airport.

After minutes of waiting and doing stuff we were walking down this thing and into the airplane. We both walked down the aisle and she took me to our seats, I went first and sat down in the seat that's by the window. Just a minute later after she put our stuff in those things, she sat down and buckled up. 

I looked out of the window, sighing and rubbed my eyes and started to fall asleep.


The fact that y'all even read my shitty books is nice.

This chapter sucks, sorry.

Anyway... updated lmao.

Foster Brother | Jastin Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt