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"thinking about you lots lately.."

read at 6:53am


calum groaned out loud as the sunlight peaked into his room. he rolled around in his bed until he couldn't hear himself think over the grumbling of his stomach.

he tossed the covers off his body and lifted himself from the messy bed. he slid on a pair of grey sweats that were sat at the end of his bed and grabbed an old, dingy t-shirt and slid it over his upper half.

as he finished gathering himself, he grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and cigarettes. he didn't bother waking luke who was asleep on the couch with the tv muted, he slammed the door shut and walked the flight of stairs leading him outside.

the second he stepped outside he regretted not grabbing a hoodie. he decided against going back to get one because he figured the door probably woke luke and he didn't want to deal with any scolding from him this early in the morning, or at all.

he rubbed his arm and lit a cigarette, then continued his walk.


by the time he had reached the building his cheeks were flushed pink and his was breathing was uneven.

calum wandered his eyes over the outside of the small café and pushed the door open with his shoulder.

a bell rang above his head as a waitress lightly smiled up at him. he stalked over to a table in the corner of the warm building and sat himself.

a few short minutes later the blonde, he had just now noticed, waitress approached his table. "what can i start you off with?" she asked with a hand propped on her hip and a smile on her face.

"just a coffee for now, leave room from cream." calum responded with no emotion on his face. the waitress nodded as she turned on heal.

when the waitress returned, she placed his mug on the table. calum requested two banana nut muffins and tore open a pack of creamer, mixing it into the warm drink.

he sipped his coffee quietly and let his mind drift to mila. he had to admit, he was surprised she had even opened a message from him, considering how he ended things. hell, he was surprised she hadn't sent someone out to get him. he knew he would have.

he cringed like he had a bad taste in his mouth as he remembered their last argument. calum was a complete dick, as much as he hated to admit it then, he knew that now more than anything else.

his string of thoughts was cut short with a clang of a plate being sat on the table in front of him, two banana nut muffins. "thank you," he mumbled and glanced up for a what seemed like half a second.

he felt like smiling at the memory of the two sharing muffins and coffee every morning. calum had never been much of a breakfast person before mila, but she loved it. and he loved her, so why not enjoy it?

he nibbled at his muffin, and finished about half. he left the second muffin completely untouched, like he was waiting for her to come back.

he fought back an urge to cry, or flip the plate off the table, or scream. he simply pulled out his wallet and put a twenty on the table.

he rose from the table and he felt his face go red and felt his body get hot. he felt sick and disgusting. and he was, he was disgusted with himself and everything he had done. how could he not be? he wanted to scream out loud and beg for mila to come back.

he rushed out of the building and turned a corner, going the opposite way he came. he ignored the ache in his head and the empty feeling in his stomach.

he pulled out his phone and sent another message,

"have you been eating breakfast alone like me?"


sorry this is so short and bad :/

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