The House

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Be The Narrator ===>

You are unable to be the Narrator, because only the Narrator can be the Narrator, you feel stupid for trying to impersonate the Narrator, which is also useless because the Narrator is unaware of this interaction.

Be John ===>

You are also unable to be John, you don't even know of a person called John, you feel even more stupid than you did before!

Be Jane ===>

Okay seriously?
What is you deal with trying to be people you don't even know!

Be Karkat ===>


Be Rose ===>

Rose is certainly unconscious, you don't really want to be an unconscious person, that would be rude.

Be Dave ===>

You succeed in becoming Dave Strider!

"I'm fucking tired," You say staring out at the rode, Dirk is certainly driving wall the girls are in the back seat asleep.

It's two in the morning and you're driving back home from a hunt, it was a doozy, nothing you hadn't faced before but that doesn't mean it still wasn't exhausting, I mean it's hard work keeping the word safe for soul stealing assholes wall studying for a English test that you have to talk in a couple hours, multitasking! The only way that anything can be done!

"Yah well I'm still pissed," Dirk says looking at the rod that was illuminated by the cars headlights.

"You can't blame him, he's still new to all of this, it's not like you and me who weren't brought into it  from the start, or the like the girls who were only giving passive aggressive nods to their moms real job until she just didn't come home one night," You say defending you friend for accidentally giving you some wrong information.

It wasn't his fault, he had only been in the business for a year, not since he was three like you and Dirk, but then again that's only a few more things you could add to your Bros fails at raising bough you and Dirk.

"Still! It's been a year, he should know the difference between a level 3 and a 4!" Dirk says.

"will yous be quits," Roxy mumbled from the back seat, still not fully awake or asleep.

"Sorry Ro," Dirk murmured back.

A few minutes later the four of you were back at the apartment, Dirk carried Roxy up to her room wall Rose and you grabbed the gear and fallowed, it was hard finding good space in a city like this but you made the two bed two bath apartment work.

The living room and the kitchen were the man living space, the girls both shared a room and a bathroom, wall you and Dirk did the same, the place was by no means clean, with Roxy's beverages thrown about and the tech gear and the wall completely dedicated to myths and legends about the supernatural (per Rose's request) and the hunting gear, it was no surprise that you couldn't have guests over.

You and Dirk's room is divided between your stuff and his, your mattress was held up by about eight cinderblocks, wall Dirk just had to mattresses piled up on each other, your side was by far the cleaner side of the room, wall all you had against you was a bunch of  cords and wires stretching between your computer and your mixtape station, Dirk had pieces of robot parts a pile of snippets and Hal.

You plop face first onto your bed eyes closed, you won't be able to sleep tonight but the least you can do is rest your eyes, English is one of your first classes, if you can power though it you'll be able to take a nap in Science, a class that you have with your half-sister Rose, she'll make sure that you don't get into trouble, hopefully.

Be Rose ===>

You awake to the multiple alarms that you have set, you your self don't usually need all of these but you're sister always seems to need a bit more encouragement to get out of bed.

Much like the boys you're room is divided between your stuff and your sisters, your side includes a full mattress held up by a metal frame, a pile of knitted clothing that you have finished, your computer, your violin, your knitting bag, and of course your posters of monsters, if you can't sleep under them you can't kill them!

Roxy's side of the room contains the same type of full mattress on a metal frame, her computer, a few alcoholic beverages, a pile of your stories along with a pile of Fanfiction she wrote about your stories, and a pile of wizard cats, whether her interest in wizards started simply because she wanted to Bond with you and then spiraled out of control is still unknown, like Dirk she also has mechanical Devices thrown about the room.

"one more minutes, pleese," Rox mumbles covering her head with her pillow, you role your eyes before getting up and going to the bathroom, on the way there you almost trip over one of the many cats you and your sister own, how many you own is unknown to you because you're sister seems to adopt a new one every week, your just glad you're neighbors have never felt the urge to call animal control or child protective services for that matter, your teachers on the other hand are just waiting for there chance.

Brushing your teeth you put on a purple headband, your hair is starting to get long, you need to schedule a hair appointment, walking back into the room you see your sister in the process of turning off the massive amount of alarms you have set.

"Rooossssee! the nose won't stoooop!" She wind giving up, honestly it's sometimes strange to know that you're the young sister.

Stepping over yet another cat you help with quieting of the alarms, "Well that's finally over with, now get up so we can go," you tell her before getting dressed yourself.

As a hunter you must be armed at all times, so like always you hide a a knife under the pink skirt you borrowed from your sister, the rest of your outfit contains black knee socks and black converse along with a purple t-shirt with a white squid on it, just because you hunt and kill the supernatural doesn't mean you can't look good wall doing so, this is a statement you're girlfriend lives by.

After changing you headed back into the bathroom to apply some makeup, black lipstick and some mascara along with a pair of black flower earrings.

As you were finishing up Roxy walked in, she wore a pink long sleeve sweater with a cat face on it that tucked into a pair of Jean shorts that went up to her bellybutton, she wore Cream colored knee socks and a pair of you purple converse, "You look soooooooo cute!" She squeaked taking the lips out of your hand and applying it to her own lips.

"Girls! We have to get breakfast on the way, we're running late!" Dirk called, you and Roxy grabbed your bags and joined the boys on there way out.

Dave was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a red t-shirt that had a disk on it, he wore his usual black shades and a pair of black sneakers.

Dirk war his white t-shirt with an orange hat on it and a pair of Jeans.

"Shoot gun!" Roxy yelled wall running down that stairs.

"No way in hell! Shotgun is mine! You got more sleep than me anyways!" Dave yelled running after her.

"Rose gets Shotgun," Dirk yelled.

"She didn't call it!" Roxy protested.

"Yeah but she's still the reason we got out of that tuffle last night," Dirk continued as we left the building and headed to the car.

End of chapter one ===>

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