Eny miny Demon

18 1 2

Be Rose ===>
Rose is not who you are meant to be right now, try her brother.

Be Dave ===>

You succeed in becoming Dave.

Now let's get one thing straight, you fucking hate school, the whole thing is honestly a fucked system, that said you honestly didn't mind the lunch, the state paid for your food because Dirk was registered as the only employed family member, and let's just say Hunting doesn't come with the best benefits.

Honestly, it could be seen more as a hobby than anything else, it's not like you got paid all that often, most of the money you got was given as thanks from people you saved.

Heck, the only reason you still live in your apartment is because Bro had struck a deal with the complex owner, they don't charge us for rent and we pay for appliances.

It's a pretty solid deal but then again you're only getting by with the money the girls inherited.

Thinking about money always makes you zone out so you're caught off guard by someone throwing pies of food at you.

"John! Stop it!" You look up at the new students, a boy and girl, you honestly don't remember their names.

Because your school is a shit hole you have lunch periods, you have third lunch so you don't get any of your siblings, but apparently, you get these two.

"I'm sorry about my brother, he's decided to be an ass this week," the girls say, she's got Black curly hair with green-ish tips, Jade green eyes and big circle glass, she's wearing a green sweater with a White print of a dog's face, she gives you a smile that you don't return.

You hear the girl's brother mumbled something about your but and turn to him "What did you say?"

His face turns bright red as His sister gives herself a facepalm.

"Nothing," he mumbles looking down at his food.

"Yah I don't believe you, and your both being really weird, so I think I'm just going to go-"

"What! Please, we're sorry, it's just we're both new and you seem to know this place really well," the girl says, you looked at the two of them booth giving you puppy eye looks, and finally gave in.

It was about time you did your good sumatriptan act of the week anyway.

"Fine, what can Dave Strider help y'all with?" You ask getting a better look at the boy.

He was wearing a blue hoodie with the sleeves pushed up, on his hoodie were two light blue squabbles that looked like whined, he had a pair of square black glasses and a pair of dark blue eyes.

"Jade wants to see the library but can't find it," he says quietly gets a punch from his sister who was apparently named Jade.

"Why the hell do you want to go to that dumb?" You ask

"My English class requires that I read a book every quarter," She quietly reply's, "And it would be nice to get some light reading done,"

"Wow, you and Rose are going to hit it off, anyways let's get going, not many people are in there right now, can't let it get out that a cool dude such as myself actually reads hardcovers you know,"

"Who's Rose?" John asked as we started heading towards the library.

"My sister, and don't get any ideas she has a scary girlfriend,"

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