Fucking Done

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Be John ===>

All you hear is screaming, unearthly screening in anger, you should really stop asking to be John.

Be Roxy ===>

It's late but you can't sleep, everyone else is asleep except you so you're kinda peeved.

After about two hours of turning around in bed, you get up and head into the living room, your quiet about it but still managed to kick a vodka bottle.

Picking it up you question if drinking this is really a good idea, you would love to but the events from earlier in the day make you question whether you should continue.

Your mother had always been a bit of a drunk, you also didn't get to have much of a relationship with her, so you used your drinking as an excuse to stay close to her, heck you even drank out of her old glasses but as time wheat on it became less of a way to stay close and more of a way to get away... from everything.

You take one last swig from the bottle before tipping it upside down to watch it disappear down the sink drain, after that, it became a game.

Fined the bottle and send it down the sink.

The others were always aware of your drinking so the first few were easy to find, just pick them up off the ground, they had tried to minimize your drinking habit a lest once or twice but you always manage to hide some in places they wouldn't look or wouldn't think to look, after a while of this game you become A little drunk.

You had gotten into the double digits when you accidentally knock one of the bottles off the counter, the glass flew everywhere and with the lights out you were unable to safely navigate the kitchen.

You could feel the cuts on your hands and feet, you have been hurt badly before but you're never taken pain all that well when it first comes, so it wasn't that surprising when the light to the kitchen/ living room was turned on and the other three cams rushing in.

You slumped to the ground feeling Glass shards digging into your knees, tears well up and come toppling down, this was the last straw and now you're broken.

Dirk gives the younger two orders that you can't hear over your own sobs.

He picks you up, his feet protected by My Little Pony slippers.

He carries you into the bathroom, puts you on the toilet and lets you gather yourself as he gets the first aid kit.

"How sober are you?" He asks taking off his shades.

You wipe your tears with the back of your hand, "IDK,"

He nods as he takes tweezers out of the first aid kit and starts removing the glass shards, "What were you even doing," he mutters, he seems disappointed and more tears start to well up.

"I-i.... sorry," you cry, you open your mouth to say more but he cuts you off with a huge.

"Roxy, you have nothing to be sorry for, if anything I should be apologizing to you, I should have never let it go in like this, I should have sent you to rehab, I-i I should have done better, I'm sorry,"

You push him away and grab his chin with your fingers staring at him, "No, I'm done," He looks at you confused, "I'm done, no more, no fucking blackouts, no fucking hiding, no fucking alcohol, I'm done,"

And with that you're vision starts to fade, you become ghost-like for lack of a better term, your there but not able to interact, you Watch as Dirk cleanse you up and carries you to your bed, and that's the last thing you remember, Dirk laying you in bed making sure you're on your side so that you won't choke on vomit.

You watch him turn off the light and close the door, and then you're sucked into dreamland.

Be Dirk ===>

You look at the kitchen counter, dozens of bottles sat empty, you started at them with fear, how much did she drink? You're honestly not sure if you want the answer that question.

"Dirk, I don't think she drank all this," Dave said tossing a few bottles into the trash.

"What you mean?" You ask rubbing your face.

"The sink, it reeks of vodka, and you saw her, she was drunk but not severely, she could still speak, we all know what she's like, she wasn't drinking all of it, I'm guessing maybe one sip from every sixth bottle," Rose said sweeping the glass shards up.

"Well, then why the hell is all the bottles empty!? Or why did pour it all down the sink!" Dave asked turning on the Fossett to rinse the smell away.

Suddenly it all made sense, "She wants to quit," You say.

End of chapter 4 ===>

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