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Ok - so update on the girls. 

1 - I will be cramming in chapters over the next little while. I suddenly have a lot more unexpected free time, so I will be aiming to bang out as many as I can before that changes. I'm also preparing to send Book One to my agent (and FINGERS CROSSED that he loves it because our Girls could be out in the real world soon and maybe one day will become a published book!!). I am also working on an AMAZING collab project with DoNotMicrowave that I can't wait to tell you all about.  

2 - How do you guys feel about a STILETTO SISTERHOOD book club??? You guys can drop your stories in the comments of a designated BOOK CLUB section of Bk 2 and then each week I'll pick a book for us to read and discuss. Maybe even set up a Google Hangout for us to all chat and gush about it?

3 - JOIN THE SISTERHOOD essay. I want to get to KNOW you guys. REAAAAAALLY get to know you. So I asked myself how can we make this happen? Then it clicked - what if you wrote a short little 500 word essay about yourselves? Then I could post them in a designated JOIN THE SISTERHOOD book for us all to read and get to know each other?

4 - MEET UPS! I really want to expand this network of Sisters. So whenever I am travelling, I will post when and where and see if we can organize an IRL Meet Up. Even if its only one or two of you, I DON'T MIND!! I just want to get to know all my amazing Sisters who have loved and supported me throughout this awesome journey! And if the in person ones aren't feasible - going back to the Book Club idea - VIRTUAL MEET UPS!! 

Let me know your thoughts! 

Love you all. 

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