Chapter 4

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                                                                           Third POV

After a long day on campus Seth, Azrael, Derrick and Jake went to their dorm to get dressed for their double date. Jake decided to wear his black t-shirt with ripped Jean. Derrick wore his yellow t-shirt to match Jake's eyes and black skinnies with a silver chain. In the dorm next door, Azrael decided to wear a blue t-shirt with his silver cross and white pants. Seth on the other hand wore his white button up short sleeve shirt with a dog tag necklace Azrael got him for a past birthday and blue skinnies. As all four of them making sure they have their stuff together jake texted Azrael making sure he had the thing for Derrick.

Text convo

J: hey Azrael you made sure you got the thing for Derrick I want to give it to him tonight

A: yeah I got it our plan is a go

J: yep head on over we're ready

A: on our way

                                                                                 Jake's POV

After a brief conversation with Azrael I looked up at Derrick who was looking at me with curiosity. "Who you texting Jake?" he asked tilting his head. I walked over to him and whispered in his ear "Don't worry about babe it's a surprise." then kissed him on the cheek. We had only waited two minutes before we heard knocking. "That must be Azrael and Seth." I say before opening the door.

I was right Azrael and Seth walked in. Azrael winked at me as he walked by with his arm around Seth. "You guys ready to hit the movies?" asked Seth pulling out his phone to check the time.

Derrick was the first to respond. "Yeah, ready as ever right Jake." he looked at me with those blue eyes that I fell in love with. I smiled and nodded tilting my head slightly.

"Good then lets go." said Azrael walking to the door. I laughed a little before I grab my key and wallet. As we all walk out the door Derrick and Seth took the lead while me and Azrael lack behind talking.

             Azrael's POV

"How's Derrick dealing with the lose of his collar?" I asked Jake who was walking beside me. "Bad without his collar her said he doesn't feel safe walking around campus." he replied lowering his ears.

I patted Jake on the back telling him everything was gonna be fine. He smiled perking his ears up again and looking at Derrick, who was swaying his hips naturally as he walked side by side with Seth.

"You two have a good strong bond don't you." I commented smiling. Jake smiling more as he nodded not taking his eyes off Derrick's swaying hips. I just laughed as we made it to the elevator.

I pressed the down button we all piled in me and Jake leaned against the wall at the back, while Seth and Derrick stood in the middle. It seemed like an hour before the elevator opened on the first floor.

The sight outside the elevator was the worse. A whole lobby full of drunk, high animals blocking the way to the exit. Derrick tucked his tail between his legs, lowered his ears and his behind Jake. Seth did the same and his behind me. "Well shut." I said turning to Jake who cracked his knuckles and nodded. I laughed a little and did the same.

I'm so sorry guys my phone stopped working so I wasn't able to update for a while just got a new phone recently and will try to keep up with my update schedule. Anyway the shout out is tatsah224 go give them a follow tune in tomorrow hopefully I can get a chapter out peace.

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