{17} Help Yourself

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Hey all! We are officially in July!! Yes, LOL I am sooo late but I come bearing the gift of a poem so I hope you enjoy!! Also, Is it just me or has the beginning of July been extremely hot?? 

Help yourself

Assault none but

Your lungs

Who scream as you breathe in

Air, viciously pounding your face:

Stuck out the car window

Help yourself

Love all but 

The crook

Who steals your food

With innocent eyes, big and brown

Happy to enjoy your meal for you

Help yourself

Assume nothing but

Kindness and goodness about your neighbor

Who suffers silently

With a heart so heavy it weighs them down

Yet they desperately cling onto any remaining strands of hope


As always I encourage you to help yourself by trying to be kind to all. Trust me it will save you some stress. Even though I do not thank you all often, please know that...

I love all of you deeply!! 

Thank you for reading my poems and sometimes my rants. Thank you for being supportive, sweet and kind. 

THANK YOU for everything.

Even though I know many of you do not care about the structure of my poems and care more about the content, please do let me know if the structures of these 2 last poems are more your style than my typical poems such as poem 9, etc. 

~ Have you ever played Candy Crush??

I have not, but I have seen my teachers play it so does that count??


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