{68} A Lover's Dilemma

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Happy Halloween!! 🎃🎃

My love,
Why am I so angry?
The days roll by and turn into
weeks: they almost feel like years.
Yes the joy of watching young ones trick or treat
is simply not enough to meet my desire to follow you over the steepest hill.
Cookies soon become my best friend
raising the flag when I become too empty and are in need of fuel.
But the fuel I desire
is the one we use for fire.
I so badly want to burn with you.
Yet the game we play
Never requires you to get burned.
The fire catches the one that feeds it.
I will never win as I see you in the mirror
If I win, I lose.
Oh what a lover's Dilemma.

This poem is so weird because it's based of a prompt and the prompt in itself was extremly strange. Therefore I hope you all have had a safe and exciting Halloween and for those like myself who don't have time for celebrating such things, happy Dia de los muertos! And for those of you that don't celebrate that either, Happy Thursday!

~ Have you ever been trick or treating?

So long spooky season.



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