Chapter 1

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It was late july of last year. Dad and I live on the beach in a huge house. It's just the two of us, though we could fit another family in here with us. As a part of my daily routine, i jogged down the beach to the coffee shop on the other side of town.
"A caramel frappe, please". I told the cashier.
"Sure thing, miss, $4.99"
I handed my cash over and sat in my usual booth in the corner right by the big window. It overlooked a good portion of the beach and i loved watching the birds and the people all over having fun in the summer. Someone walked in. I was surprised because i was usually the only kid my age coming in this early on a Saturday.
"Caramel frappuccino. 3 pumps of vanilla."
He gave the cashier a little wink and handed her the cash, receiving a blush and his coffee order in return. As he turned to leave, he caught my eye and he flashed a perfect row of straight, pearly whites. I flashed a small smile back, a little taken by how polite he was.
It's not that i was nervous or even scared. I was use to boys. I had more uncles and male cousins than i did aunts and female cousins. It's just no guys ever really noticed me. I'm nothing special. Curly brown hair hanging loosely down my back, currently in a twisty braid. Pale blue eyes, blushy cheeks, plump lips. Just like mom, dad would say.
I look up, startled by the beautiful voice interrupting my thoughts. It was him. The boy. Standing right over my table looking at me with a slight smile.
"Morning," I replied back. I wasn't panicking. He was cute. But i was calm, unlike most girls who would typically be a nervous wreck at this moment.
"Mind if i sit?" he asked. Gosh, his voice was so blissful.
"Not at all, go ahead." I replied back, a little too confident, probably.
He wasted no time at all, sitting as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I turned back to stare out of my window, continuing to watch the people on the beach.
But this boy. He was staring. At me. He was going to ask something. I could feel it, and usually i was never wrong about these things.
"What's your name" he asked, even calmer than i was.
"Katie Mellow. And don't say anything about it. I already know. Katie Marshmallow." I said in a mock voice.
He laughed.
"What did i say?" I huffed, a bit frustrated by his sudden outburst of laughter.
"I'm sorry," he sounded sincere, "I wasn't going to say anything or even laugh, really. But when you said it, i don't know, it just was funny. I'm cade by the way. Cade Rials."
Cade Rials. Blinkton Highs football quarterback. Everyone at school talked about him.
"I know about you. You play football for Blinkton. Very popular with the ladies." I laughed a little, rolling my eyes.
"Don't laugh." he mocked."You're probably a little jealous. Maybe even worried they might get me before you do." He sounded way too confident at this point.
"Not in the least," I laughed. "I'm sorry to inform you Mr. Rials, i may be the only girl in this town not sexually attracted to you or your body."
He frowned.
"That's not possible." he replied. "Haven't you seen me shirtless?"
This time, i laughed. Loudly.
"What?" he exclaimed. "I'm sexy."
"I'm sure."
"Seriously. I can prove it. It'll take a while for me to trust you though. I dont show these abs to just anybody. We'd have to get to know each other." He smirked slyly. What was he on to?
"Oh really?" I played along. "And what do you suggest?"
"How about we talk about it on the beach? Tonight? Six o'clock? I'll meet you here?"
"And how will you reach me?"
He got up, got a pen from a near by waitress attending to an old couple, and sat back down and grabbed a napkin. He scribbled something on it, folded it sloppily, and handed it over.
"Your phone number?" i asked as i opened it.
He beamed. "I don't give that to just anybody, either". he winked.
At this, i blushed. My cheeks heated up and i knew i was pink even through the tan i had inherited from my father. The only thing i inherited from him. I looked like mom. she was gorg- .. I realized he was staring at me.
"I'm sorry, i was thinking about... something." i blushed more.
"Me? Shirtless?"
"Er.. no. My mom, actually."
"Why your mom. I gave you my number." He chuckled.
"Oh, um, yeah i know. It's just, i haven't seen her in some time. I- I- just.."
"Gosh katie, im sorry, I wasn't trying to be an ass- "
"No. You weren't an ass. Um, tonight right? Six o'clock?" I began getting up,
"Yeah, six. Hey look i'm sorry".
"No no, it's fine. really." I said back. "I'll see you at six." As i walked away I threw my unfinished drink in the can by the door. That's the first time in my life i didn't finish an order from this cafè. It was my moms favorite. It's where she met dad... That's what he told me. I began walking back up the beach towards my house.
I was still a little giddy from what just happened. I couldn't believe it. I wonder what dads gonna think.
I stopped. In the middle of the beach.
No i can't tell dad. He'd feel as if he was loosing me. His only connection left to mom. And he's getting so old. 45. He couldn't take this pain right now. I'd tell him later. Besides, I don't know if this is even gonna work out. It's not even a real date. Just two new friends hanging out on the beach. As friends. Nothing else. Yeah. That was all. And that's what i would tell dad tonight. That i was going hang out with a friend.
I continue walking home down the same path as always. I looked down at Cades phone number, for about the hundredth time, as i was walking up my steps. Since we live on the beach, our house has to be built up in case of a flood.
I pause in front of the door and tuck the number deep into my pocket so dad doesn't see it. He would have many questions if he did.
"Okay," i mumbled, "All good."
I stepped inside and greeted dad with a warm smile.

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