Chapter 4

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   "Your dad seems nice," Cade said as we walked down the steps into the sand.
   "Uh, yeah. He did, didn't he,"
   Cade laughed. "Is he usually grumpy or something?"
   "No, no. Just, never so.. cheerful" I didn't know how to let Cade know dad has an overly protective aggressive side when it comes to me and boys without spilling that he also mistakes me for my late mom.

After we walked in silence for a while longer, we stopped just on the edge of the shore.
   "I know i freaked you out last time, don't worry i'm not gonna try to kiss you again." he chuckled.
   "Oh," i said brightly, sneaking in a slight smile.
   He smiled back too, though i could tell he wasn't really happy.
   "I just- i was- so stunned. You're so beautiful and smart and i couldn't believe i convinced a girl like that to go on a date with me." another chuckle. Quietness. His lips parted to speak yet again, shut, and then parted. I grabbed him by his chin and kissed him.

Love is a funny thing. You go from barely knowing a guy to loving him as hoping his moment never ends. And you fall in love over the smallest details like the way his eyelashes flutter slightly when he's thinking. The way he sneaks a smile after every clever joke. The way a sunrise on the beach reflects in his perfect eyes. I never knew true love in this form, but something told me this was it.

   Later that night, I couldn't fall asleep. I spent all day with Cade and i would forever count this as one of, if not THE, best day of my life. Unbeknownst to dad, of course.

When i woke up the following morning, i was in one of the greatest moods i have ever experienced! I think dad noticed to when i came back from my jog, but if so he decided not to say anything. Which was strange, because usually he keeps over protective or concerned in these times.

Later that same evening, i snuck over to Cade's house. We watch a bit of a movie, but i spent most of my time wrapped in his arms, kissing the softest, sweetest lips on this planet. And i know, i really do know that it's practically impossible to fall in love with someone who was a stranger less than a week ago, and that to most this may be puppy love, but i feel cade understands me in every way i need someone to, and that to me, that is love. The real kind some girls spend half a lifetime searching for in every guy she crosses paths with. Me, on the other hand, well I wasn't even searching. I was just sent this boy and i was told to hold him tonight as he was told to hold me by the same powerful force called love.

He walked me home that night at around midnight.

"Call me as soon as you make it home so i know you're alright," I told him when we'd reached my front door.

"I was gonna call you irregardless!"

And at that moment, that perfect straight-from-a-book-fairytale moment, he leaned in and kissed me one more time that night. And it was perfect. Almost......


(from the author) :::
Hi guys! i'm sorry i've been inactive but i've been very busy with a couple of things this summer and high school starting and stuff, but i promise i have some amazing chapters headed yalls way!!! i hope you guys are enjoying my story so far!! thanks for reading, loves ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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