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Aimee lay in bed and sighed to herself. She looked to her phone as it rang off of the side. She saw that it was Warren and sighed as she ignored the call. She knew that he only wanted one thing from her and she wasn't in the mood. Aimee hadn’t told him or anyone that she was pregnant, Lola was the only one that she knew. Aimee stood from her bed and rushed to the bathroom and threw up. She sweeper her blonde hair out of her face and sat back into the floor. She looked up to see Lola who was looking at her and frowning “Don’t look at me like that lo" Aimee said as Lola sighed and looked to her big sister. Lola was worried over Aimee “I’m worried about you Aimee, I know that you don’t want anyone to know, but you can’t hide the face that you are pregnant forever, you know that I’m right” Lola said as Aimee looked to her and sighed “I know, and i hate it" Aimee said as she walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen

Lola walked in after her and looked to her and smiled “you know that Warren is our of the hospital, he's  looking for you. He asked me where you are?” Lola said ad Aimee looked to him and sighed. Aimee knew that she was avoiding Warren and that she could only hide the fact that she was pregnant for so long. Aimee placed a hand on her bump and sighed as Lola smiled to him “talk to him, he needs to know that he's going to be a father, besides he might leave sienna of he knew" “I don’t want him to leave her cause he knocked me up. I want him to leave her because he wants to, because he loves me" Aimee said as Lola looked to her and smiled “it’s tonight be fine" she said as Aimee smiled to her. She didn’t think that it would be.


Aimee walked through the village and frowned as she saw Warren. He smiled to her as she looked to him and sighed “How are you feeling?” she asked as he looked to her and smiled “I’m good, are you okay. I have been ringing you since I got out of the hospital. I was actually on my way to see you" he said as she looked to him “I’m fine, I mean it. I’m just needed some time to myself" she said as he nodded “I missed you" he said as he brushed her hair away from her cheek  “can we talk? Can we go back to your flat or something" she asked as he looked to her and smiled “sure” he said.

Aimee sat in the flat with Warren. She straddled him as they are out. Aimee knew that she had missed him. She missed him more than she thought that she would. She pulled away from the kiss and looked to him as he frowned at her “hey, you okay?” he asked a tear fell down her face “No, not really. I’m pregnant" she said as he looked to her and smiled “so that’s why you have been avoiding me?” he asked as she nodded. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled “it’s going to be okay, I promise. I love you Aimee, I mean it I am in love with you and I’m going to take care of you. You and the baby" he said as Aimee looked to him and smiled “I’m scares, j love you Warren, I really do but it scares me how much that I love you and I don’t want to loose you" Aimee said as he pulled her close and kissed her “We will get through this, we will get through it together" he said as she nodded. Little did she know they weren’t going to get their happy ever after, well not for now at least.

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