Goodbyes and Meeting Neville

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Me and Ginny were going to Hogwarts today and I was happy and sad.I know my parents are upset but excited for me but I know that mummy and daddy will miss having me and Ginny very much.
×After going through the barrier×
"Bye Lottie,be good!I love you and will miss you very much so!Keep your brothers and sister out of trouble!"Mummy says and kisses my head,"Bye mummy,I love you and will miss you too!I will and I'll Owl you and daddy every day!"I tell her and hug her,"Give daddy a hug for me!"I tell her and run to Ginny and link arms with her,"Hey older twin sister!"I say,"Hey younger twin sister!"she replies."Let's go find somewhere to sit!"I tell her with a bright smile and she nods with a small smile,"Wait a second,where's Ronnie?"I ask her with a worried smile,"I don't know but let's find their friends and ask them!"Ginny replies.We find Mione who I met last summer and a boy I haven't met yet but knew he was friends with Mione,"Mione,who's this?"I ask with a bright smile and Ginny just sits down,"Oh,this is Neville Longbottom and he's friends with me,Ron,and Harry!"she replies,"Neville,this Charlotte Weasley but call her Lottie or Lotts!"she introduces me and I wave at him and smile kindly at him."Mione,have you seen Ronnie and Harry?"I ask her and she shakes her head.I look over to see Daddy's flying car,"Oh he's in so much trouble!"Ginny says and I nod."So,Neville can I call Nev?"I ask him,"Sure Lotts!"he replies.
I get my parchment out and my quill and start writing.
Dear Mummy and Daddy,
Ron and Harry stole the car I saw them through the window on the Hogwarts Express.Well anyways,I got to see Mione again and met her friend Neville Longbottom or Nev as I call him.How are you doing at the Burrow?I hope you're doing well and are safe.

I miss you,Mummy and Daddy!I'm doing well and I'm safe,so are Ginny,Fred,George,and hopefully Ron and Harry.I love you both loads,I'm safe and I just know that you're worrying!
Lots of Love and Best Wishes,
Charlotte Anna Weasley(Your baby girl)
"Please take this to the Burrow!"I tell our family Owl and he/she hoots and leaves with the letter."Ginny,are you Okay?"I ask my older twin sister,"Lottie,I'm fine,worry about someone else!"she snapped and I teared up and ran out.I ran in the girls bathroom and started crying with one question on my mind,'Why would she snap at me?' and cried.
After Lottie ran out,"Why did you snap at her?Ron,George,and Fred aren't going to be happy when they find out!"I tell her,"She gets annoying,she's the favorite,she's the one they all prefer,and me I get barely any love!I'm allowed to snap at my sister!"she replies and I think about what she said,"Your jealous of Lottie!"I tell her and she shakes her head,"No,I'm not!I like Harry Potter as a boyfriend and she likes him as another brother,I have no other reasons to be jealous!"she replies and just then Fred and George enter and Fred is holding a sleeping Lottie,"Why was she asleep in the bathroom?"George asks and puts Lottie's head in my lap."Well someone she cares for very much snapped at her for worrying about her!"I tell them and looked at Ginny,"Ginevra Molly Weasley,how could you snap at Lottie?She was only worried about you!"Fred scolds Ginny.

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