Dare #2: Tag!

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A/N: Okay everyone, before we move on to this next dare, I wanted to say that I've added to the list of people you can ask. Go check it out so you have more options! 

Sphinx: We have received another dare from LeafDragon16. She says "*magically revives Gorgrog from the dead and drops Orogoro in to the Fablehaven preserve* I dare everybody including Celebrant, Chalize, and these two balls of fluff to play tag!"

Sphinx: Okay, I would assume the rules are stay within the yard, but there is one overriding question... who's it?

Everyone: ...

Seth: NOT ME!!!!!!

Vanessa: I will!

Everyone runs in different directions. Raxtus turns invisible and the Sphinx pulls Seth aside and they both start shade walking so that they and the demons are the only ones who can see them.

Vanessa scans the yard and sees that the Sphinx has disappeared and immediately goes after Warren. She tags him and he goes after Dale. Raxtus feels like he is cheating and turns visible> Eventually someone tags Chalize.

Chalize: Oh come on this is too easy! *turns up her Dragon Fear so that almost everyone freezes.* LOL! *chases Raxtus around the yard until she catches and tags him.

Sphinx: Well that's one way to play Freeze Tag.

*If they could, everyone would be glaring at him right now*

Raxtus: Chalize that's cheating! Hey, no using powers to cheat everybody! *Chalize lowers her dragon fear again*

Raxtus then tags Celebrant (somehow) and Celebrant just uses his tail to tag Vanessa. Vanessa looks around the yard, spots the Sphinx, and starts chasing him all over the place even though he keeps climbing on stuff and getting away from her. Vanessa "gives up" and starts chasing Kendra until the Sphinx comes down from the roof and then promptly tackles him to tag him. The Sphinx goes after Kendra and tags her. The game keeps going until people start quitting because of how tired they are. Finally, it's just between the demons and the dragons. The game is well tied because Gorgrog and Orogoro are bouncing balls of energy after being stuck in Zzyxz (or after being dead) and Chalize and Celebrant aren't giving up. Finally they call a truce and Celebrant and Chalize head back to Wyrmroost while the demons head back to Zzyxz.

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