Chapter One

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Thorin Oakenshield sat stiff in a dining area, eating a roast and minding his business. He was in a small inn in the city of Bree. He was on his way to the Shire to meet with the dwarves and inquire about Gandalf's burglar. He didn't know who the thief was but he didn't have any other options so he was trusting Gandalf.

As Thorin asked a bartender to fetch him another pint, he noticed a strange girl walk into the inn. He had come across many people in his lifetime but this woman look particularly different almost out of place. The girl scoured the building as though to look for someone specifically. As she looked in Thorin's direction, her eyes lit up and she headed towards him. Without asking, she sat opposite of him.
Who is this girl? Thorin thought to himself.  He look at her quizzically attempting to understand who she was and why she decided to invite herself to his table. She had long red and blonde checkerboard hair that flowed almost down to her waist. Her eyes were an alarmingly light grey, appearing ghostly, however they flashed red every now and then. Her skin was smooth caramel colour and when she smiled her teeth were sharp like razors, one might even say animal like. She wore an outfit consisting of tattered brown leggings and a set of mithril leggings was visible underneath. She had a long-sleeved  brown shirt on with a crimson chest plate over it and a thick, fur coat that she began to slide off and drape over the back of the chair. These items were valuable and of dwarvish make. Where ever did she find them?

The girl flashed another toothy smile knowing that he was trying to analyze her which sent a shiver down Thorin's spine. It made him feel dark and uneasy at once. "Can I help you?" Thorin asked her gruffly, leaning forward.

"Are you Thorin Oakenshield?" She asked him, not dropping her grin. Her voice was smooth and enticing, as if luting him in.

    "Who is asking?" Thorin asked suspiciously before sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms.

    "My name is Smita Spearclaws," she lifted her hand to tuck a strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. "I heard that you are recruiting for a quest. I would like to offer you my service. I quite enjoy adventure." She smiled in attempt to seem welcoming, yet her eye shone with a wicked darkness.

Thorin was thrown off guard. He could hardly believe the nerve of this woman. He didn't know him, yet she sat down adjacent to him and insisted she follow him on his personal quest. He wasn't even sure how to respond to her inquiry. "Where did you receive that information? Even if I was recruiting, which I am not, I would only be looking for dwarves. Certainly not humans. I do not need your services."

    "I wouldn't be so quick to decline my offer. Out of curiosity, have you ever slain a dragon? Do you understand their flight patterns? Their fighting techniques? Do you know what weapon would even be effective against a firedrake?" Smita's smile never faltered, yet she did give off a sort of growl that made Thorin's insides flip.

Thorin snarled, "That's none of your business." He wondered how she knew about his quest. He thought he had been very secretive about what he was doing; somehow someone had guessed his intentions. Only his kin and Gandalf, of course, has any clue as to what he was planning.

         Smita watched him closely, realizing she had touched a nerve. She grinned and pressed on, "That's because you haven't. I, on the other hand, have slain six. I know their weak spots, their flying patterns, and their fighting styles. I have been around them most of my life. My people spent many years trying to rid Middle-Earth of the great serpents of the north. They even aided in the destruction of Acalagon the Black and the War of Wrath." Thorin leaned back in the rickety chair, wearing a slightly impressed expression. Smita continued on, "I earned the name Spearclaws from the two weapons I have used to slay those dragons. If you want any chance of getting your mountain and gold back, you're going to need my help."

         Thorin was at a point of panic now. Though he was inexperienced when it came to dragons, he never realized just how unprepared he was. "I don't need another hired hand," he said getting up and pulling his coat up and over his shoulders.

         Smita stood up quickly, tossing her hair behind her shoulder and glaring down at the dwarf prince. "That's the catch, Oakenshield, I'm not here for the gold; I'm here for the sport and for vengeance." Her eyes shone furiously and her grin had turned to a serious grimace.

         Thorin paled and though he wouldn't admit it, this girl terrified him, made his stomach flip in ways it hasn't since the day Smaug took Erebor. Backing away from the table, Thorin said, "What makes me think I can trust you? You are a complete stranger. You come to me with no proof of what you say or who you are."

         Smita knew no matter what he said, he was curious. And frightened. She had him right where she wanted him. Flashing her creepy, toothy grin she replied, "Good point, you can't. All I offer is my word." She got up and coolly walked to the door. Glancing back she said, "A firedrake is tricky. If you do not know their fighting patterns you'll be dead before you step into the mountain. Without me, you dwarves won't stand a chance."

         Smita left the inn after tossing a pouch of coins to the tender behind the bar. Thorin leaned against the table for a moment, thinking. The girl's offer was enticing, but he was unsure if he trust her enough to live amongst his kin. There was something about her that set his teeth on edge yet he couldn't help but think she belonged on the journey.

He jumped up and ran out of the inn hoping to catch her, but she was gone. He heard a voice coming from above, "Change your mind?" He turned and looked up to see her sitting on the roof. How did she get up there so fast, and what was she doing? This girl is peculiar.

She easily jumped off the roof and landed next to him as he said, "If you are sure you wish to join the Company know this, you will get no special treatment. We will not let you slow us down. If you are in fact telling the truth and you do defeat Smaug, expect no pay from me."

She grinned, turned around, and started walking off, "As I said, I am here vengeance."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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