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  The guys got to school and got to there lockere. Preston was putting in his bag and most of his books. Then Max just threw his bag into the locker and slammed it shut. Preston closed his locker softly. He looked over Max and smiles. Then a Nikki came along asking to talk to Max. Alone.

  Max decided to and he walked over with Nikki. "Yeah Nikki? What's up?" Max asked. Nikki looked down. She took a deep breath. "Do you want to have friends...and no boyfriend. Or have a weak boyfriend that is really weak and doesn't know how to fight for himself and have no friends " Nikki said with no emotion. Max opened his eyes wildly knowing he has to pick one or the other.

   Max loved his friends a lot and would never leave them. But he also loved Preston to death...But if Max breaks up with Preston they still can be friends....right? Max kept thinking on all these thoughts. He didn't want his friends to leave. Preston could be his friend with benefits? Yeah that would work. Preston would be fine with that...Max just thought.

   Max looked at Nikki. "I'll be friends with Preston."Max said trying his best not to cry. Nikki smiled and patted him on the back. "I knew you would make the right choice." Max sighed. He thought it would be all ok. Preston would understand...right? He would be fine..right? Max started walking back out to Preston with a serious face.

     Preston smiled and walked over to him. Max looked up at the taller boy trying his best not to cry. "What's wrong babe?"Preston asked. Max shook his head. "you know how we where friends for a long time?"Max asked. Preston nodded. "Lets....keep it that way."Max responded in that head nodded. Preston just frozed. "I think we would be happier if we where just friends. Don't you?"Max asked. Preston faked smiled "y-yeah! We would be m-more happy...."Preston said softly trying not to cry. Max smiled "thank you for understanding."

~after school and preston is at home~

Let's keep it that way. Friends....
That's all Preston kept thinking about. Max just friend zoned him...He's own boyfriend Friend zoned him...what did he do wrong? Then yelling started. His father started to yell at him. Calling him worthless. A mistake. Scum. That's all he heard. Also the voices in his head "let's see if you do become a star." "Cut. No one cares." "Kill yourself" that's all what preston was thinking. Preston started hacking away. Hack...hack...hack..hack.

Preston wrote a note.

~at maxs house~

Max was in his room. Why did he break up with Preston!? Why would he...why....Max started crying missing the tall gay play boy. David knocked on maxs door. "You got a letter from Preston Max."David said. Max opened the door and grabbed the note then shut his door. Max opened the note and read it.

Dear max,
I'm sorry I'm not enough. I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be. It's all the voices in my head keeping me down. I'm sorry I was always negitave. I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted. I hope you enjoyed my probably didn't. But I can't keep this game called "life" up anymore. It's a hard game that I always lose at. And the way to win is A- you have friends, a loving family, happiness. And you win by dying when the time comes. Then you have the a way to lose- you have no friends, but you do have a loving family then you die at the time. Then you have the way I'm taking today. Become a star. As known as...Killing yourself so you don't have to fight. It's an endless thing I can't keep up with. It's stupid and I don't want to play it today...just look at the sky. I'm watching down on you to keep you safe. Just to let you know...I always love you....I hope you'll look at the stars and see me....goodbye...
             Preston. Goodnight ❤❤💔
Max dropped the note and screamed no. He feel to the ground crying. "PLEASE NO!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!"Max cried and cried. David and Daniel ran into Maxs room. "WHAT HAPPENED!?"David said. Daniel picked up the note and read it. "...this."hands the note to David. David teared. Just remembering the times in Camp Campbell. His little gone.
   Max was crying hard. Then they all went to the couch helping max calm down. "D-do you want to go outside to look at the stars when it gets dark?"Daniel asked. Max nodded and cried.

Night time
Max,David and Daniel went outside and looked at the stars. A shooting star went by and left behind a heart. Max teared. "Preston....if your out sorry...I love you...I wish you could be here with sorry for being an asshole and breaking up with you so I could just have friends...but.... I loved you...I shouldn't I can't take back that mistake.....never..ever..never " Max cried. Prestons ghost just leaned onto max. "I'm with the stars...just look up when you need..."

The end

Thank you guys for reading. It mean a lot to me. Few facts when writing this. 1- I got into eddsworld while writing.
2- I cried while writing this chapter because I relate.
3- I DO believe we become stars when we die.
4- I'm a girl. ^w^
5- I cry to some songs like Clarity,Scars to Beautiful and Perfect (pink)
6- I am super thankful for all of you reading One More Act.
And I hope you liked One More Act. Goodbye. 💖💖💙💛💖💖

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