Chapter 3: Escape

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"Thicket! Tell them to let me go!" screamed Edward. He fought back against the monsterous beasts that tried to grab him.

"I cannot do that, dear boy," aaid Thicket from atop a dark strangers shoulder. You could see his eight spider eyes through the dark, and Edward started ro fight back even harder.

"You're my friend, Thicket!" cried Edward, jerking his arms from the strong grips of the monsters.

"If you will, Drundus and Dugul, bring the boy to the west common room, where he will be most comfortable," said the dark figure, and he turned at walked into the dark, thick woods, up the steep hill to the gloomy house in the distance. Edward gave up fighting and let Drundus and Dugul escort him up the hill and to the black house that stood awkwardly on the hilltop.

Large red doors opened up slowly as the three approached the black painted house. Looking up, Edward could see seven towers, crooked and windowless. Lamps adorned the outside, lit with dancing flamed that illuminated the area around him well enough that he could see the red and black roses that flourished around the house and pathway. He walked through the doors and followed his two captors down a red and black hallway with many doors until the came to an open one, bursting with light coming from its frame.

"Edward, I see you have arrived," said a voice from behind a tall chair facing away from the door.

"Who are you and why am i here?" said Edward sternly, although he was quite confused and scared.

"They call me Astaroth," said the voice, and the man rose, turning a facing Edward.

"And why am I here?" added Edward, losing a bit of his sterness, looking down and clenching his fists.

"Your friend Thicket kindly informed me that you are a capable young boy, and that you can help me with a bit of a problem. You see, in each of the seven towers, there is a pest. I need you to get rid of these pests for me, then i will send you and Thicket on your way, protected, might I add, to the realm of the faeries." The man took Edward's pale chin in his long, thin fingers and turned Edward's face to his.

Edward scanned over the man's flawless white skin, adorned with pastel pink cheeks. The man's lips were painted black, his incisors sharp and long. His tongue was forked a thin, almost snake-like, the same as his eyes, which were green with cat-like pupils. His hair was jet black with silver tips, short in the back with long bangs that swept to the side. His smile and voice were charming, and Edward blushed as he looked in his eyes.

"And where is Thicket?" said Edward. Astaroth laughed a merry, charming laugh and pointed to the chair. There the spider stood on his eight legs, and Edward's blood began to boil.

"You were supposed to be my friend!" Edward yelled as he stormed towards the chair. Astaroth stepped aside and watched as the two friends started to quarrel.

"Dear boy, I knew you'd be upset by my actions. But there is some good in this." He pulled out a key from behind him and handed it to Edward. "This goes to the first tower door. You'll understand my actions in time." He smiled a spider kind of smile as Edward took the key and slowly turned away with a lingering dirty look. Astaroth put a tender hand on Edwards back and led him towards the door.

"I will take you to the door, my friend. From that moment on, until the task is completed, you're on your own." Edward nodded as they walked down the dark hallway, turning to face a door.

"I will do my best, Astaroth," said Edward, placing the key into the hole and turning it, unlocking the door. He glanced back at Astaroth before going in, the door closing behind him.

Edward walked up the stairs, following a dim, yellow light coming from the top. He could smell cigar smoke, and he began to grow curious. He reacged the top step and pushed the door open gently, but it stilk squeaked. He walked in and looked around slowly.

The room was covered in fluffy rugs, and smoke was heavy in the room. There was a dressing table with womens' makeup strung all over the surface. Empty and full perfume bottle alike were randomly placed all over the room, and soft jazz was playing from a record player in the corner.

"Hello there, stranger," said a soft woman's voice coming from behind him. Edward jumped and tunred quickly to face a skinny, big busted, half naked blonde woman. She smiled as she took a hit from her cigar and circled him.

"Who are you?" asked Edward timidly. The woman smiled and sat in front of him, legs spread far apart, her small panties nearly showing her flower. Edward blushed and looked away.

"I... am the woman from your dream, Edward," she said. Hearing her speak his name was like ecstacy. He looked into her hazel eyes and he touched her cheek.

Her smile turned evil.

"I... am Lust."

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