Chapter 4: The Sins

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The woman erupted into a swirling black thick mist, her face and body becoming even more beautiful. Edward was knocked back by the force of the winds coming from this eruption, and he frantically looked about him while holding his top hat onto his head.

The furniture fell through the floor, falling into bottomless black pit. The floor began to give way where Edward was, and he jumped, saving himself from falling as well. There were only ten feet from where he stood and where the woman stood, staring at him with glowing green eyes pawing at the air like a cat with a grin on her luscious red lips. She ran her tongue over her pointed white teeth and laughed, throwing her head back.

"Oh, little Edward. Strange little Edward. Whatever will you do with me?" She cackled as she flew about the room, circling Edward. "Will you tie me up and abuse me like a dog, or will you treat me like a kingly cat? Or... will you kill me?" She stopped suddenly, her face only inches away from Edwards. She smiled an evil, seductive smile as she tilted her head only slightly, staring into Edward's eyes as she brought her lips mere centimeters away from Edward's lips.

"Well...?" she asked, almost in a whisper.

Edward closed his eyes for a moment, just seconds away from giving in to this woman and pressing his lips against hers. Then, a clear voice popped into his head.

"Edward! Don't!! Seize the necklace on her chest and break the chain! I'll tell you what to do afterwards!"

Edward was going to listen.

"Stop!" he screamed, his eyes bursting open, his hand, in one swift, angry movement taking the necklace from the womans chest.

"YOU FOUL, LOATHSOME CREATURE! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THAT TO ME?!" she shreiked, her shrill voice echoing off of all the walls. Edward winced with the noise and then smiled, almost a sadistic smile.


He snapped the chain without any other thought, and stood silently.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" she shreiked in fear, hands on both sides of her head, tugging on the now grey, brittle hair that stuck into her scalp like straw.

She shreiked as she crumbled, face and body falling in on its self like porclain, until she dimished into nothing but a pike of grey dust, which was quickly blown away by the soft wind that still blew around from her uproar.

Then, it was silent.

Edward dropped to his knees in pain from the shrill voice of the monsterous woman, his ears ringing and pounding. He doubled over, rocking back and forth.

"Edward..." said the voice. But this time, it wasn't in Edward's head.

Edward followed the black shoes that stood before him up, until he could clearly see Astaroth standing before him in a red and black suit.

Edward stood and faced Astaroth, who smiled down upon him.

"Congratulations. You destroyed the first pest. There are seven, each a sin. I will be fighting alongside you from this point on." He put a hand on the boy's shoulder and handed him a dagger and sheath with the other.

"What's this for?" asked Edward, turning the dagger in his hand. He took it from the sheath and examined the blade, which was a strong, black metal, sharpened perfectly. The handle was intricately decorated with diamonds, and a snake was molded into the silver. Edward turned it in his hand thrice, then returned the weapon to its leather sheath and straped it to his arm in good measure.

Walking to the mirror that now was back into it's place in the corner, Astaroth looked back at Edward, and adventurous smirk spread across his perfect lips.

"Ready, Edward?" he asked, and Edwars nodded and stood beside him, staring at himself in the glass.

Astaroth then out his fingertips up to the cold glass and drew a circle in the exact center; not a small circle, but not a large on either. The glass rippled like water and began to dissolve into a swirling black portal. Astaroth looked at Edward.

"Let's go destroy another pest," he said as he tipped his hat, stepping through the portal. Edward took a deep breath and stepped in after him, shrouding himself in darkness.

Then, a light shone. And Astaroth appeared beside him, reading his sword. A voice, coming as almost a hiss came from the darkness, it's owner invisible in the dim lighting. Astaroth and Edward stood back to back, blades at the ready.

"You look... Rich... So rich... Heehaa..." The voice weezed a little. "A little charity, perhaps...?"

Astaroth snarled. "Not for you, fiend. Come out, where I can see you." He swung his sword, hoping to strike the creature.


"Just a few pennies... maybe a dime... or if I'm lucky, aristocrat... you'll spare a dollar for me..."

Edward stabbed at the darkness as the dim light swung around in a small circle.

"He said show yourself!" Edward exclaimed, and the creature laughed.

"If you insist..."


Don't you just love cliff hangers? Haha. Hey guys, and welcome to the 4th chapter of this story. I would just like to add that this is one of the best stories i have ever had the honor of coming up with and hats off to everyone who takes time to read. I would like to ask that you share this story with your friends so they'll read it, and tell their friends and so on. Let's get this stort popular! Thanks guys!

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