Chapter One: June 1st,2032

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WARNING: Contains Violence and abuse! If you are not comfortable, feel free to skip to the next chapter or look for the timeskip in the chapter!

Samantha's POV

I quietly walked out of my room, shaking as my hands were holding onto my shoulders tightly for comfort.

I was terrified. I was terrified of my sister. Ever since mom and dad had passed away, she was never the same.

She never laughed. She never cracked a smile. She never even treated me the same way after their death.

She had began abusing me from left to right nearly everyday. She did it whenever she felt like it as she blamed me for their death.

She had been doing it for a few years now and I thought in the back of my mind that it would end but it never did.

"Samantha, where are you? Get your ass over here! " She said from the bottom of the stairway. I peaked to see her holding a sharp object in her hands.

I felt my heart sink when I saw a knife. I carefully skittered back into my room and closed the door, locking it so that she wouldnt get in.

I quickly hid under my bed and made sure the blanket was low enough to hide me. Then, the door was knocked down with a few harsh kicks.

"Goddammit Samantha!" She growled. I snuck a quick peak to catch her searching my room,"You're seventeen! You're no longer a kid!" She continued. I heard something scrape against the wall as her footsteps got closer.

I tried to get as far back as I possibly could until I felt the wall against my side.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I thought.

She checked under my bed, yelling at me.

"I'm gonna have to take everything away so you have no where to hide! I'll even take away your bedroom door and your closet doors if I have to!"She grabbed my wrist harshly and dragged me out as I started screaming and trying to break free from her grasp.

"Let me go!" I shouted, trying to kick her. She grabbed my foot and slammed it down to the ground, pinning it down by the ankle with her foot and adding her weight to it so it wouldn't budge, sending shear pain through my leg.

"Quit squirming, you little brat!" She yelled back, grabbing my throat.

I shoved her away with my other foot and got up as quickly as I could.

"Stop doing this! It's not my fault they died! I wasnt even around when they passed away! You were right there with them but you were just too lazy to help them!"I screamed, she swung her arm that held that very knife at me, trying to hit me.

"How dare you blame it on me! You were out hanging out and probably trying to get laid rather than being a good little girl that mommy and daddy always wished!"She hissed, still trying to swing at me, making me back up until I felt my back hit the wall.

"I was out trying to get food since they asked you many times to go and you never even got off your ass to get them! At least I was the nicer and more respectful one that they loved!" I snapped. Once I said that, I immediately regretted it.

What had happened passed like a flash. I felt a sharp stinging sensation in my right shoulder, my whole body froze in shock as a crimson liquid began trickling down my side, creating a cold effect.

"Good luck trying to impress everyone and gain money for your hard work."She said, stabbing the knife through the wall to my left, leaving it there as she walked away.

I looked at it, the same liquid that trickled down my side was dripping from it.

I looked over to my right to see my arm was gone. I tried to look around the room for my arm as my vision began to blur.

I got up, stopping the flow on my shoulder to stay concious for as long as I could so it would give me enough time to think up of some sort of plan.

"W-where....where i-is it?" I managed to say, stumbling here and there as I tried to search for it.

I saw it right at the doorway of my room. I began to tremble, tears beginning to fall from my eyes.

I made an attempt to rush to the window after hearing a car engine roar to life to see my sister beginning to leave.

It was my chance to escape.

I grabbed my bag and filled it with clothes and my first aid kit, rushing since I knew that she would be back but I didn't know when.

I grabbed an old shirt and ripped it to form a gauze and attached it around my shoulder to slow down the flow.

Once I grabbed my bag, I rushed out of the house as fast as I could, not leaving anything behind.

I hid myself and looked back at the house where I grew up in.

"Goodbye...."I whispered before running off.


After what felt like an eternity, I reached the outskirts of Detroit, where people stayed in old houses, possibly even abandoned houses if they were desperate enough.

"Now to search for a spot for the night..." I whispered, walking around as I looked at the houses.

Some looked like a garbage site, some looked like it needed a ton of renovations, etc. It seemed like most of the houses were the same.

I had found a house. It looked in bad shape but if it would give me shelter, then it's a perfect place for me.

It was a small gray house. The roof was black like charcoal, the windows were broken down and the gutters were rusted. It didn't look much but it was fine. I thought that once I had a job, I'd be able to fix it up to my liking.

I walked into the house, closing the door and locking it behind me.

"This seems pretty cozy....I'm surprised the previous owners never brought their furniture with them." I said to myself, walking around as I looked at the old furniture and searched for a bedroom for the night.

"I have to fix my arm pretty soon before I go to bed or else I never wake up after I fall asleep." I walked into a bedroom and put my bag down onto the bed and sat down on the bed.

I took out my kit and began to stitch up my arm and wrap it once again after removing the shirt and sterilized the wound with rubbing alcohol.

"Agh....if she didn't cut it at all, I wouldn't be in this stupid state..." I hissed quietly, putting everything away, laying down for the night once I was done.

"Goodnight....Samantha..." I calmly said to myself before drifting off to sleep, eager to finish the day.

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