Chapter Three (Part One): March 1st,2039

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Samantha's POV

I woke up with the sun in my face, blinding me with the light as Buster stood up, wagging his tail and barking in happiness.

"Oh shut up, Buster. Not right now...," I mumbled, rolling onto my side and bringing the blanket to my chin,"Wait a minute...." I said, looking around my room.

Something was a little odd. It didn't add up whatsoever. I remembered being at the bar but I didn't remember going home and heading to bed.

I sat up, passing my fingers through my hair as I felt a material covering my arms. I looked down at my torso to see that I was wearing Connor's uniform coat. If his coat was on me....then where was he?

I proceeded to look around the room once I took the coat off until I saw Connor, sitting on the chair in the corner of my room, the light on the side of his head flashing yellow, indicating that he was on standby. His eyes closed as his head was leaning forwards. The first few buttons on the top of his shirt was opened, his tie resting on the arm rest.

"So that's what androids do when they don't have anything to do sometimes...." I whispered to myself, carefully climbing out of bed as to not disturb him but that immediately failed when Buster's nails hit the hard wood floor.

I looked over to see Connor's light transition from yellow to blue, his hazel eyes beginning to open as he looked at me.

"Good morning, Samantha. How are you feeling?" He said, slowly getting up.

"Never been better." I sarcastically said, walking out and heading to the kitchen as both Buster and Connor followed behind.

"Would you like me to make you breakfast?"He offered.

"No thanks. I'll be fine on my own. I'm probably just gonna pour myself a glass of water."I sighed, grabbing a glass and heading to the water machine.

"Skipping breakfast is not recommended. It's not healthy." He confessed, concerned.

"Connor, don't start lecturing me in the morning." I looked at him with an exhausted look.

"I apologize."He bowed a little, staying in the kitchen as I returned back into my bedroom to tidy it up.

"Buster?"I looked over at my dog as he laid on the bed happily with a bone in his mouth after jumping onto it,looking at me.

"Arf!" He barked, his tail wagged as he panted.

"Should I go for a ride to get out of the house?" I asked, folding my shirts.

"Arf Arf!" He barked once again, his tail wagging even harder.

"Alright, I'll go for a ride. Wait, that means I'll have to drag Connor with me," I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose,"Hopefully he knows how to sit in the passenger seat of a motorcycle after being deactivated for so long...."

"Grrrrrr...." Buster growled, shaking his head with his bone in his mouth.

"You're so silly." I chuckled, grabbing my hairbrush and heading to the bathroom, taking my phone out.

I didn't have any plans for the day but it would be nice to get out of the house once in a while.

The song 'U Got That' by Halogen began to play through my phone, my hips beginning to sway a little bit to the song.

"Cause you got that..." I sang, smiling as I watched myself dance, still styling my hair.

I continued until I felt someone was watching me, turning my head to see Connor watching me, his light flashing yellow. I completely froze, a blush crawling up my cheeks and to my ears as embarrassment flew through my body.

"Your cheeks seem to be rising in temperature.Are you perhaps feeling embarrassment or feeling shy?" He questioned innocently. I chuckled nervously, putting my brush in one of the drawers and went back to the kitchen to get my two helmets and my keys, ignoring his question.

"Connor, have you ever been on a motorcycle before?" I questioned, swirling the keys around my finger, looking at him while he walked into the kitchen.

"No, but I would like to." He smiled sweetly. I returned his smile, turning my back to him, heading to the door.

"Well, today is your lucky day because you're getting on one with me." I said, walking out with the android following behind, closing the door. I tossed one of the helmets at him, catching his attention and grabbing it.

"Thank you but I don't see why I must wear this for I am not a human." He looked at me, a slight look of puzzled on his face.

"I don't want to repair you so soon. I just got you back on your feet recently. No need go make the deadline short." I slid the helmet on my head, clipping it so it wouldn't fly off. Connor watched, copying exactly what I did.

"Deadline?" He was confused once again. I facepalmed, shaking my head and  putting on my fingerless gloves.

"Forget about what I said and leave the helmet on." I sighed; walking up to him, making sure the slip under his chin was attached so the helmet wouldnt come off.

"Hey, Sam!" I heard. I sat up, looking around to see Hank in his car, leaning out of his window.

"Hey Hank! What's up?" I smiled, saluting.

"Just wanted to stop by and see if you've still got your sanity left."He joked, a smile appearing on his lips.

"Nah, I lost it a while ago."I smiled back. Hank shook his head, chuckling.

"Where you headed?"Hank asked, resting his arm on the steering wheel.

"Goin' for a ride around town to get some fresh air. Wanna join?" I invited him with a smile. Hank looked at a few papers and then looked back at me.

"I gotta pass. I have a case to investigate so I needed to get Connor."He answered. I nodded once and got on my bike, Connor getting on behind me.

"I'll drive him for you. At least I have patience to drive him around."I smirked, lowering the visor on my helmet and roaring the motorcycle to life. Connor held onto his seat tightly to not fly off,lowering the visor on his helmet as well.

Hank shook his head at my remark and raised his window, driving once again as I followed behind him.

(I apologize for the late update. Life kinda took a turn to hell so I had to take my focus off of this for a bit and put my life back on track. Luckily, I'm back but my life is still unstable for now. But at least I posted this chapter. I am also deeply sorry if this chapter really sucked. ^^')

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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