Chapter Two: February 28th, 2039

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I woke up with a sharp pain in my shoulder, examining the prosthetic arm I installed a few years back after I settled into the abandoned house and went to the CyberLife junkyard for a temporary replacement in the meantime.

I felt more sharp pain as I raised my fake arm, cussing under my breath.

"Agh....," I rested my arm by my side, sighing,"I need to find a new arm before it proceeds to get worse and mess up my shoulder." I said, getting up and looking outside.

The sun was rising, it's rays shining so perfectly over the city buildings in the distance.

"Hopefully the weather stays like this....I need to head to the junkyard for a new arm after my shower," I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a few clothes before heading to the bathroom.

During the years that I had lived here, I've been spending most of what was left of my chore money onto trying to renovate the place on my own. But recently, I couldn't work on it as much as I used to now that I got a job at Jimmy's Bar. Not the most greatest first job but it's enough to give me enough money to stay alive.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, jumping in.

After I was finished my shower, I put on a pair of baggy grey jeans with a black t-shirt that felt slim on my torso, put on a pair of grey running shoes and then I threw on a dusty grey trench coat over top of my shirt. It wasn't very fashionable but it was what I could afford until my bank account is a little more stable once my renovations are done.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my short, black hair back, making sure it wouldn't be in my face during the day after I put it in a high ponytail and proceeded to walk out the door.

"Bye Buster! I'll be back soon!" I said to my male German Sheppard that rested on the couch. He barked, wagging his tail as I left into the snowing daylight, locking the door behind me.


After what felt like two hours of walking, I arrived at CyberLife's junkyard. The sun was already hidden behind the clouds, the snow coming down harder by the minute.

"Dammit....I have to hurry before the snowstorm gets worse...."I muttered, sneaking into the yard.

Once I got in, I began searching around for a fake arm that was still intact.

There were a bunch of broken up robots that were in horrible shape. None of them moved whatsoever. They froze in a way that looked like they were reaching for someone,their eyes wide open,staring at nothing as their mouths were slightly open.

"The more I look around, the more creeped out I get..." I muttered, a chill creeping down my spine.

After walking around for a while,I found a robotic arm that was in perfect condition but had a blue substance all over it.

I took it anyway and was about to start walking home until I saw something small flashing red underneath a pile of snow.

I tucked the arm in my backpack and slowly approached it, the snow falling much harder to the point that you couldn't see the structures in the distance. All you were able to see were either lights that were nearby or the things underneath you.

I got closer to the snow bank, being cautious as to not slip or have half of a desperate robot beg me to save it's life.

I crouched next to the snow bank and began uncovering whatever was flashing underneath it.

"I hope it's not something that'll murder me. Already had enough problems with deviants killing humans last year because the humans treated them poorly and nearly got a civil war because of it," I said to myself, removing the last bit of snow to reveal an android, that had it's eyes closed, with a flashing red light on the side of it's head, some minor damages and a few critical injuries.

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