Excitement begins.

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Chapter 3: Excitement begins

Tracy's POV

I don't know how long I've been asleep, but I was still tired. I fell asleep right after Louis' audition, and I wasn't sure what time it was now. I heard the television still on and someone holding my hand. I tried to open my eyes, but it was just too hard. Instead I opened my mouth and whispered a 'hi'. To who ever was in the room with me.

"Hello princess!" Louis' cheerful voice rang. I smiled when I realised it was him.

"Louis, I can't open my eyes!" I giggled. Yes, I find it funny when I can't do little things like this. He laughed too.

"That's not funny! How long have you been sleeping?" He asked still chuckling. I gained the strength to barely open my eyes to see a smile on his face.

"I fell asleep after your audition." I whispered. He gave me a toothy smile and squeezed my hand.

"Well then you've been sleeping for a good three hours love." He said, checking the time on his phone.

"Louis, I want to get out of here." I whispered, forcing my eyes to stay open. He sighed and squeezed my hand again.

"I know. I want you to get out of here too." He mumbled.

"Congratulations Mr. Tommlinson!" I cheered trying to enlighten the mood. He blushed and turned to flip his hair.

"Oh stop!" He said, gesturing with his hand to make me stop.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" I asked, realizing they weren't here.

"They went to get food. Are you hungry? Do you want anything?" He rushed.

"No Louis I'm fine! So tell me. Are you ready for boot camp?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"It sounds scary!" He whispered with a terrified face.

"It won't be if you practice!" I giggled.

"Yeah I know! You should get some rest!" I demanded. I pouted while he laughed at my childishness.

"Will you stay with me?" I whined.

"Yes. I promise I'll be here when you wake up!" He cheered. I nodded and let my eyes close again as I fell asleep.

"Who let the dogs out? WHO WHO WHO WHO. Who let the dogs out-"

"Louis! Shut up I was sleeping!" I whined. He always found a way to way me up with his singing. And he thought it was funny.

"Sorry the doctor told me to wake you up and I didn't know a better way to do it!" I laughed. I actually had the strength to open my eyes all the way this time. I looked around the room. It was a typical hospital room. A bed in the middle, a tv in the corner and machines next to the bed. I looked over to Louis to see him smiling, the doctor standing right behind him.

"Hello Tracy! How are you felling today?" The doctor asked checking all the machines.

"Weak, hungry." I answered with no enthusiasm.

"Mhmm that's normal, we'll be bringing up some stuff for you to eat in a little while. But first we have to check a few things." He said. I nodded and looked over to Louis who was giving me a small smile.

"Trace, I uh, I have to go to boot camp soon. Mum will be here shortly. If you need anything just call me OK?" I said sadly. I knew he had to go. It wasn't his fault I'm the one who signed him up. I'm happy for him and he has no reason to feel guilty for leaving me. I smiled in return.

"Have fun. Show them what the Tomlinson family can do!" I cheered. He smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving.

"Nice brother you have there. Wish my kids would love each other like that!" The doctor chuckled. I should take that as a compliment.

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