Grease and Acting

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"Girl, your hair is like, poof!" Lacy laughed, hair spraying my hair one last time. It was the final scene in Grease, You're The One That I Want. My favorite part. But I haven't really been in the best mood today.

The boys aren't in the crowd.

Well, at least I can't see them and when I text them between scenes, they don't reply.

"Your time is now!" Lacy giggled, trying to sound dramatic. I smiled and went to the edge of the curtain. My phone buzzed so I pulled it out, hoping it was one of the boys.

From: Liam<3<3<3

Good Luck Babe(:

I smiled and tucked it back into my greaser jacket. The lights got bright and Ashton, Danny, came on with his varsity jacket, showing off to his friends. Then I came on. I took my slow pace, Lacy, or Rizzo, smirking at me,

"Sandy?" Ashton gasped.

"Tell me about it, stud." I said, tucking my thumb in my pant pocket and puckering my lips. The bouncy song started and I looked out to the crowd, a smile immediately growing.

The boys were here!

They were sat all the way in the back that read, "SANDY" With a big red heart. I went back to being serious and looked at Ashton who was on the floor.

"You better shape up, cause I need a man." I sang. I couldn't help the huge smile on my face. The boys were whistling and yelling 'Sandy's mine!'. I surprised they haven't been kicked out yet.

"You're the one that I want!" We finished, the curtain closing right after.

"Great work kids!" Mrs. Tommy smiled, walking on and hugging each of us, but stopping in front of me. "Ms. Tomlinson." She smiled. "I have someone that wants to meet you." She said, walking away with me right on her tail. "This is Kurt Rekt. He's the producer for London films." She smiled. I smiled brightly and stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"Tracy Tomlinson. Nice to meet you."

"And it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm interested in making you, I don't know, an actor." He smiled at me. I nodded my head.

"That would be brilliant." I smiled, my English slang foaming out.

For about ten minutes we talked, discussing when I could start on the new movie they are making. Apparently my role as Sandy was my audition.

I just can't believe this is happening.

"So, you'll have to move to London. Is that a problem with you?" He asked worriedly.

"Not at all. Just a couple friends will be missed but all my family is from over there anyways." I smiled.

"Great. The next two weeks you'll be receiving calls from me or your new agents. Then I'll personally call you to say when you'll be flying to London. Along with..." He trailed off, looking down at his folder and looking back up. "Lacy and Ashton."

"Lacy and Ashton?" I asked excitedly.

"They've been accepted too. See you soon Tracy!" Kurt smiled, walking off with a wave. That big smiled was still plastered on my face. I ran out into the audience, looking for the boys.

"Tracy!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned to see all the boys. I smiled and ran into their group hug.

"Good job Trace!"

"That was amazing!"

"You make a good Sandy!" All the boys complimented me.

"Thanks guys." I laughed, trying to make my way out of the hug. "Guess what?" I said once I escaped.

"What?" They all said together.

"I moving to London." I smirked.

"You're kidding." Louis said in a shocked tone.

"I just got accepted by Kurt Rekt to be the main actor in one of his movies." I said. They all stared at me in disbelief. "Fine. Don' believe me. You'll just see in a few weeks." I shrugged. They soon started looking at each other before rushing to me again.

"TRACY'S MOVING TO LONDON!" Louis screamed. I was dying of laughter.

I love my family.


"Why is it so heavy?!" I whined, dragging Lacy's suitcase down the front lawn to the van. Yep, we were already moving to London after one week.

"Those are my shoes." She laughed. We had already packed my bags, and it was her turn.

"But even your clothes are heavy." Ashton also whined, dragging her last bag.

"You guys are weak." Lacy laughed.

We finally got all of them into the back and hopped into the middle row.

"Ready for London?" One of Kurt's American drivers, Leo, asked with a smile.

"Yes!" We all said at the same time.

Somethings you've missed over the week; The boys went back to London yesterday to promote their album. They begged to stay with us but management wouldn't have it, and neither would I. One night, me, Ashton, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry went out to get pizza. When we got back, Lacy was snogging Niall. So they're an item now. The boys have become best friends with Ashton, so there aren't any problems now. When Kurt called, we found out we were all starring in the same movie. Me being the main role, Lacy being my best friend, and Ashton being my other best friend- That I DO NOT fall in love with.

"Here we are, have fun kids." Leo waved as we hopped out and gathered on bags on a cart.

"London! London! London!" Lacy whisper-yelled as we walked further into the airport. The bracelet Liam gave me jingled on my wrist as I had a bounce to my walk, very excited to go back to the other side of the world.

After checking our bags in, we sat around and waited for our flight to be called. My phone started vibrating in my sweat pockets. I took it out and swiped the screen, not even looking at who it was.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good morning Senorita!" I heard Louis. There was laughing in the background and the others talking.

"Hi Louis." I smiled.

"How did you know it was me?" He pouted.

"Your voice."

"Cheater." I laughed at how weird he was and talked back into the phone.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wondering when you will be arriving. Here. In London." He said.

"Eight hours Lou." I sighed.

"TOO LONG!" He yelled.

"It's not my fault!" I laughed.

"Flight 808 to London now boarding." The intercoms beeped.

"Got to go Lou. I'm boarding." I said, standing up and getting my bag.

"BYE!" He yelled before hanging up. I got behind Ashton and handed the lady my ticket, following the two into the plane.

"Off to London!" Lacy smiled once we found our seats.

"The beginning of an adventure!" Ashton also cheered. I laughed, staring out my window as we whizzed into the air.

I know it's the beginning of an adventure. But haven't I been on an adventure my whole life?

I guess this should be the beginning of a new adventure. One where everything is perfect. My friends, family, everything.

It's the start of a new and bigger adventure.



Second to last chapter, I think... There might be two more but I'm not sure yet(x

The Last Dance (A One Direction FanFiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt