Chapter 1 meeting the family/friends

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Hi I'm Megan and I'm here to tell you about my so far life's experience. I am now seventeen and very happy but you will find out why.:) so, why don't we start when I was about fifteen. It was the week before we got out for summer break of high school (we were freshman)and it was just a pretty boring and normal lifestyle. I had three best friends that new almost everything about me. One was Tanner, she was one of the most generous and nice girls that you will ever meet! She was the friend that has been with me all my life! Well, at least since third grade. Tanner was always getting good grades. She was the girl that you wanted to hate because she was so smart but you couldn't cause she was just so sweet and nice about everything. She also never really did anything bad with or without other people. The thing that I probably like about her most, not including her personality, is that she never judged and she would always help me through things. She was also so gorgeous with long, straight, brown hair and was the perfect shade of tan with sparkling green eyes. That day she had on a pair of light wash high wasted shorts, an all white crop top, and some black vans with her hair straight in a cute side ponytail that hung just below her shoulder.She drives me to school every morning and I don't think I mentioned it but she was really rich and had a nice car. "Hey" I said. "What's up you seem upset." She said. "Oh, I'm not" I said. "Just really tired". "Oh ok well you look gorgeous today!" Said Tanner. "Thank you! So do you!" I said. Today I was wearing an all black crop top that said "chill" in white bubble letters on it with black high waisted shorts and some white vans. My hair was a kind of orangish/red color with pale skin and blue eyes. My hair was very long and that day I had it in a side braid that was just above my belly button. Oh yea I have a belly button peircing too the charm is a music sign to remind me of my boyfriend Trevor but I'll tell you more about him later. After Tanner picked me up we would go and get Bella. Bella is one of my other best friends.I have known her since seventh grade when she moved to where we lived which was L.A.We became friends very fast and I'm glad that we did.She has always been the trouble maker. But for some reason she has only gotten caught a few times. She may seem mean and rude but if she knows you or your friends with her she is one of the most sweetest and caring people you will ever meet. She has a great personality and knows how to make everyone smile and laugh when they were down. She was basically the complete opposite of tanner but they got along really well. She didn't get that good of grades but good enough to pass. "Hey guys!" Bella said. While getting into the car. Today she was wearing a pair of light wash shorts, a black v neck, and some black and grey vans with her hair straight and down right below her shoulders. She has very beautiful light blonde hair with some of the most gorgeous brown eyes you have ever seen. "Hey! Why so excited?" I asked. "Well,"she said "there is this huge party on Friday at Andreas house! And we are going! No matter what tanner..." "I don't know" tanner said. "Don't worry! There will be no alcohol and no sex or anything that would get you in trouble." Bella said. "I don't know why I always convince myself to do things with you. Ok, fine "she said. "Yay! We are going to a party!!! I can't wait to tell Trent!" I said. Trent is the last but not least bestfriend. He is in between Tanner and Bella, he had ok grades and sometimes got into trouble but not a lot. He has brown shaggy hair and really tan skin with a perfect smile. He was really hot but, he is gay. So he would never go out with me. I could care less though cause I have Trevor :). So when we were at Trent's house he wasn't outside because he always takes so long to get ready. I got out of the car and ran into his house and he was rushing to get his backpack and breakfast. "Come on" I said. "We are not going to be late to school again just because you have to look perfect!" "I'm coming I'm coming!" He yelled. When he got downstairs he gave me a quick hug and we walked out the door. "So, guess what!?" I said. "What? He said.". "We are going to a party at Andreas on Friday!" "Yay!" He said. "I have to look hot for all them hot guys!". "Haha me too!" I said. When we got in the car Bella, Tanner, And Trent all said their hello's. After that we just talked about what we were going to wear on Friday. When we were at school Trevor was waiting for me by this huge pole in front of the school like he always did. "Hey cutie!" He said. "You look gorgeous as always. "Thank you!" I said. "So do you haha." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and we sat and talked until school started. "So guess what?!" I said. "Haha what?" He said. "Andrea is having a party at her house on Friday and me Bella Tanner and Trent are all going. And you should come too?" "I don't know" he said. "Trent's going to be there?" He said. Trevor has always not liked Trent cause he didn't like that we were so close but he didn't realize that I was closer to him than I was to Trent.

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