The Beginning

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The beginning did not go as you would expect. At the time I was talking to this lightskin boy which we'll just call Rick because I don't know any lightskin named Rick and for privacy purposes, we'll just call him Rick. So Rick and I had been talking for quite a few weeks and we facetimed every night and honestly I thought I was going to end up with him. I was wrong. I went to my friend's graduation party with my brother because she is our mutual friend. Her cousin liked me and apparently others had their eye on me as well. Funny thing is, none of them approached me except for this weirdo who made some little comments and I just gave him attitude but he's irrelevant. So this group of 3 guys came and little did I know I'd become part of their group. There was this one guy who caught my attention right away, and that was the guy who just so happened to have stolen my chair. You would think that the fact my bag was on the  chair and my shoes were underneath would tell you that seat is taken, well not for him. I was annoyed about that because he really took my damn chair out of all the chairs that were there. My friend tried to get people to freestyle rap after she had rapped about fried chicken which she killed. The guy in my chair, we'll call him T. So my friend asked T to rap because he wrote music which intrigued me because I wrote as well. He refused and put on two pairs of glasses like a weirdo. He dressed nice and he wore a pik in his hair which looked kinda fresh but I won't tell him that though. I stayed close to my brother most of the night, only because I was not comfortable with anyone there except for my friend and my brother and since it was my friend's graduation party, she was very busy and I could not hangout with her that much. Me and my friend made it clear that he is my brother, we even said it out loud multiple times because her cousin thought it was my boyfriend. I guess it was not clear enough because some guys, like T, believed that he was my boyfriend. You would think that it was obvious we were not a couple because we looked alike and did not show any affection. Couples show affection! T really thought I was dating my own brother! What an idiot. But I think that's when the little crush started. He could dance (kind of), he was goofy, he could dress, and he was cute. I didn't talk to him that night but that's when I knew I wanted to get to know him better.

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