More than friends

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We talked everyday. T is so adorable. Only two weeks after we began talking, it was my birthday. Obviously I did not expect anything big or really anything at all from T. We finally decided we were going to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, even though we hadn't gone on any dates yet. Everybody had forgotten about my birthday and had made plans, including my family. I even had work that day. I was about to be spending my birthday alone but T asked if he could meet me after work. I brought clothes to change into and once my shift ended, I rushed to get changed. I waited in a booth for what felt like a long time and I thought he wasn't going to show up. Then I got a text, "Can you meet me in the parking lot?". So I walked outside to the parking lot and he said "So I got a few things in my trunk." Then he pulled out a big "Champs" bag (a shoe store), an Adidas bag, and another bag. He then said "Happy birthday Lexy! These are all for you, I'm not sure if you'll like anything but I have all the receipts so you can exchange anything you don't like." I opened the Champs bag first and inside was a pair of white Adidas shoes with black stripes. I always wanted normal Adidas shoes and clothing but never found my size or they just did not have them in stock and I did not get new school shoes so this made up for it. I was super excited and I thanked him. Then he handed me the Adidas bag and I pulled out an Adidas track jacket and then a pair of Adidas track pants. I was just amazed, Adidas, just like all name brands, are not cheap and he got me a whole outfit from Adidas just for my birthday. Then he handed me a cute pink and purple Aurora bear. He then proceeded to apologize for how small the bear was and I said it's perfect. Then I hugged him and thanked him again (as I would many times that night). We packed everything back up and headed inside McDonald's, I ordered food for my whole family and fries and drinks for T and I. He told me not to buy him anything on my birthday and I did it anyway. I got the drinks for free because I work there and some discounts on the food but it is what it is. I had promised my family I would buy them dinner and I wanted to get him something too. He kept insisting that he pay for the fries but I was too stubborn. Then he wanted me to eat the fries since I paid for them but I wanted him to have them. We talked for a long time and most of that time I found myself lost in his eyes. He is really sweet, funny, and intelligent, not to mention that he is also very attractive. He really made my birthday something very special and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend it. Once it was time for me to go, he walked me to the car and introduced himself to my mom. He helped me carry all the bags and load everything in the car and then we said our goodbyes. But that was definitely not the last time I would see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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