The Search

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After that night, I knew I wanted to get to know T better. I didn't want to seem desperate or let him know I was interested at all because I never want people to know how I feel in fear they won't feel the same. I basically went on Instagram and to my friend's account to see if there who she followed that was at the graduation party. I followed a couple people so that it wouldn't look like I was just searching for T. I found his account first but I followed him last. I use to rant and start discussions sometimes as captions for my posts and T read the who rant and commented on the post. I guess that got him intruigued so he added me on Snapchat and I deleted the post he commented on. Why? Well, I don't know. I added him back on Snapchat and replied to one of his stories. Now I'm not quite sure what I replied to but he found what I said entertaining and that started us replying to eachother's stories whenever we had something entertaining to say. After replying to eachother's stories for a while he wanted to start a streak. Little did I know, he wasn't interested in the streak as much as he was in me. Basically, T only wanted the streak so we could start to send goofy Snapchats back and forth. For those who don't know, two goofy people and goofy snapchats makes it into a competition of who could be more goofy. Which turned into a competition of who had the better stickers. Which I won. But, that's not the point. When we realized how goofy we both are, it lead to us having some normal conversations. That's when it became clear that we were both interested in eachother so we wanted to get to know eachother better. We talked for days and I always answered so fast so I would have to force myself to ignore some of his messages just so I didn't seem so desperate and bored. This is when I completely forgot about Rick. Instead of being on facetime every night with Rick, I'd pretend to be busy or asleep, just so I could text T all night long. I crushed on T a lot and T was crushing on me too. I never told T how I felt because I wanted him to think I didn't like him when I really, really did. T told me that he could tell I haven't had the best luck with love and that he was really interested in me and wanted to show me how I should be treated. I just said "That's cute" and he didn't say anything to that so then I said "that really made my day" and he responded to that. Later on he told me that when I said "that's cute" his heart sank, he thought that meant he would be friendzoned. It's good to know how well I hid that crush. Eventually I told T about Rick and T told me to do whatever I felt was right. So, I just cut Rick off completely, right away. I have never dropped a guy so quickly in my life. But now I know that was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

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