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The world cannot function without you. Regardless of your power, without you present, the world glitches. You may seem minuscule, but you are a crucial part of the universal code. The world needs you. Someone out there needs you. You may not be happy, but that action only passed your pain to someone else. Your horrid, but fixable, pain.

Without you, the universe reset to a point in time where there is plenty of time to rescue you. Right now.

Saiki, of course, didn't know this.

Saiki's mind is running wild. I've never been in a time loop this long, so I can't go about solving it the way I normally would. I must act on a larger scale. He looked at you, heart beating quickly. I have no information on her. How am I supposed to solve this?

His mind, for once, could think of only a few options.

Tell her what could happen? No. I don't know how she would react.

Get close to her? Would she let me?

Manipulate her life so that it leads her to happiness? No, I would need to know more information on her. I don't know a single thing that she likes.

Small acts of kindness? They could go a long way.

You are introduced to the class and you take your seat. You have your thigh strap on, so you didn't hear any of Saiki's thoughts. You desired a peaceful day of avid studying, which you can normally get whenever you're strapped up. Today was different, though.

"H-Hi _____, my name is the Jet Black- I mean Kaido. Its nice to have you join the class! Where did you transfer from?" Kaido approached you cautiously, unsure of your reaction to him. Nendo quickly stood up and dragged Kaido to the side.

"Little buddy are you sure we're able to talk to her? She's incredible."

"Well, obviously, Nendo, she's in our class-"

"Sorry, I meant are YOU able to talk to her. I can clearly talk to her because of my handsome good looks, but you? You'll scare her." Nendo said, 100% serious.

As they bickered, Saiki formulated ideas. I know that _____ is connected to the end of the world. Did she manipulate the meteor? No, that'd make her even more powerful than me. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Saiki crossed his eyes, searching the galaxies for any meteor on a course to collide with Earth. To his dismay, there were none. The meteor must've occurred because of some space collision in the future that redirected debris towards us. That's why I can't see it right now. Your eyes peered over from your notebook due to the commotion. You saw Saiki with his eyes crossed and nearly spit out your Mango nectar, absolutely bewildered by the expression.

You debated on grabbing his attention, but he seemed entranced in his own mind. Dammit, I can't stop the meteor right now. Maybe I can stop it in the future?  He thought.

Saiki fast forwards a month in time. He uses his clairvoyance to no avail, as there did not exist a meteor on a path to Earth. Saiki fast forwards again and again until he sees you on the roof once more, softly singing your melancholy tune.

Saiki teleports himself into space. He watches in utter shock as the meteor moves in swirls before sharply turning and making its dangerous way towards _____. Saiki, unable to stop it, watches it collide with you once again before being brought back to your first day at PK Academy. He clenches his teeth, at an utter loss for how to prevent such an abnormal tragedy.

You sat next to Saiki after being introduced by the teacher, immediately sensing the stress coming off in waves from him. You just got here and he already has an issue with you? You pursed your lips in annoyance and began to do your schoolwork. You can feel this stranger, Saiki, constantly staring at you. At lot more than the usual stares you get.

"Hey pal! You know Kaido has never been fishin' before?" Came the voice of Nendo. I don't have time to deal with Nendo right now. Especially now that the world ends in 5 months. Saiki maintained his composure while his thoughts continued their rampage through this head. "We should take him after class." Nendo continued.

"I don't even have a fishing rod! Why do you want me to catch a fish so bad?" Kaido whined. Nendo aggressively turned his head, eyes ablaze with passion and determination.

"You can't call yourself a man without having caught a fish. That's what my ma always said." Frankly, the author likes to think Nendo's mom is the greatest man of all time for catching her ex husband. He truly wields the face of a bottom feeder.

"Hi Kaido! Hi Nendo! Are you guys going fishing after school?" Teruhashi chimed in, radiant as usual. Kaido and Nendo immediately gasped, scratched the back of their heads, and blushed in pure bliss.

"Oh..! Yeah we are! Do you want to come?" Kaido said, seemingly forgetting that he 'doesn't even have a fishing rod.'

Teruhashi beamed in agreement. "I'd love to! We'll have a great time catching fish, the four of us!"

Saiki's attention was grabbed with that statement. Who's the fourth one? It can't possibly be me, I haven't spoken a word to them yet. They must be referring to Takahashi.

"Right, Saiki?" Teruhashi added.

No one was referring to Takahashi.

Saiki stayed silent, peering off to the side blankly as he thought of ways to get out of this.

"____, I know you're new here! Would you like to come along so we can show you around town?" Teruhashi asked you, her intentions kind. Teruhashi simply just ~knew~ that this invitation would totally make your day the most memorable day you'll ever experience, because she's just the most perfect girl with the kindest heart.

"If everyone else doesn't mind, I think it sounds fun," you replied, somewhat excited. You didn't think anyone would invite you out on your first day, especially one of the prettiest girls in school. You could sense everybody in the class admiring your interaction with Teruhashi, even with your strap on. The classroom with loud with excitement.

"I'll go." Saiki said suddenly. Everyone cheered even louder.

But wait, were you the only one who found it weird that Saiki didn't open his mouth to speak??

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