The Day you Came

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Pale as ever, you've awaken to the sound of Monokuma's voice speaking into the speakers as you were passed out on the school's front entrance, once stepping in. "Welcome and good morning," Monokuma's voice boomed into your tired mind, "Today we shall introduce one another in the mpr! Meet you there at 8 sharp!" You got up, dusted the dirt off yourself and got to the mpr.

"Why were you late," boomed a young man's voice as he pointed at you, "8 sharp was the time were supposed to be here!"

"Terribly sorry," you said quietly as you wiped your eyes to stay awake, "but I had passed out once I got to the front of the school. My name is-"

"That is no excuse to be this tardy," replied the man in white clothing, "get here on time next time!"

"You're all yell, Ishimaru," the other said calmly to Ishimaru, "Do you do anything but shout around and give demands? I mean shit dude!" The man was 6'2 and intimidating, making you shake in your shoes. He notices and walks over to you. "Oi, why are you shaking?"

"O-oh," you snap out of a haze, as if you were daydreaming, "it's that... you're really big compared to me...!"

"Thanks for the obvious shit, Sherlock," the man sighed, "the name's Mondo, Ultimate Gang Leader. Nice to fuckin meet ya!"

"My name is (y/n), Ultimate Ballet Dancer. Nice to meet you, Mondo!" He kissed your hand after he held it lightly in his hand, and said "for luck, my friend"

"Oh crap," another person said, "Mondo kissed (y/n)'s hand! What a weakling!" He laughed as Mondo was starting to growl and cuss him out. You were a flustered mess.

"Now that you're all here," as the bear comes to the stage, "I shall advice you that there will be mystery solving murder and crimes! Understand me? Of course you do!"

"Murder," you asked yourself, "I just hope I will become the survivor in this game, alongside Mondo..."

After a long discussion with the others about the plans from Monokuma, you decided to head out on your way to your room. "Oi," a familiar voice called out to you. It was Mondo. "I'm here, uh, to escort you, (y/n)!" He was almost shouting at you.

"Uh... thank you, Mondo," you started to say, "but I think I'll be fine." Without finishing your sentence, he held your hand and lead you to your room.

(Sorry if this was short. But I hope you've enjoyed this!)

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