The Trial

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"To tell you the truth, Mondo," you said in a worrying tone, "I don't think we'll all survive...! I'm sick to the core...!"

"Don't worry," Mondo said as he put his hands on your shoulders, "We have to work with what we got, alright?" You nodded as Mondo tried to build your spirits up for the trial. "Let the trials... BEGIN!" Monokuma said cheerful chirp of despair.

"So the killer had been in the room where Hifumi was," you said as the opening discussion, "The killer must have snucken up on him, and when he was turning around and greeted them warmly... that's when the murderer used the weapon of their choice and strike him at the head!"

"Nice starter, (y/n)," Mondo said while smiling and giving you a thumbs up "Now that we got our case opened with (y/n), who would like to discuss about the clues that they've found?"

"I would," Chihiro chimed in, "I was looking for clues and I found a piece of paper with Hifumi's art! Of course, the murderer had crumpled the paper up after presumably wiping the blood off, making the ink smudge up!"

"Also," Ishimaru shouted in his usual tone, "I would like to add that THIS is our murder weapon!" He then shows a bag with a metal claw. 'A metal claw,' you thought yourself. You have an idea on who might the killer be.

"Last thing," Mondo said, "I want to add to this shit is that the murderer might have clawed and climbed their way up Hifumi's fatass and try to take their blow on the skull!"

"With all these clues," you called out for the class' attention, "I know who might be our prime suspect!" You then looked through the room, hoping that the suspect wasn't gone, the murderer was in front of you. "It was Celeste," you shouted as you pointed a finger towards her. "Who ELSE would have that metal claw than her? No one!"

"I'll burn you alive if you don't keep quiet, (y/n)," Celeste screamed at you as she pointed a bloody finger in your direction, "I WON'T HESITATE!"

"I'm speaking the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth, Celeste," you said, "Also, you missed a spot of blood, dearie!~" Celeste looked at her finger and panicked. "Fine," Celeste screamed, "I killed him! I was the one who had killed Hifumi!"

"Punishment Time, Celeste," Monokuma shouted with joy, "Her execution is being burned at the steak alive!~" Monokuma pressed the button that was brought to him. Celeste was then dragged by nothing but mechanically operated chains with a cold collar.

Once Celeste was prepped up onto the steak, wood and hay were around her as the fire started. While she was burning alive, you knew that you've lost a good rival of yours. "You did it," Mondo said as he tried to reassure you, "It's for the better...! It happens to the best of people!"

As the wailing grew louder, a firetruck has hit her, knocking the steak down and causing the fire to die down. You had no choice to run or hide at this point. The game of murder has barely reached its climax.

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