Chapter 21: Yuki

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Niko's p.o.v.

I stand here outside waiting for the doctor to come out from the ER.... Everyone is worried about Yuki.... Nikiro, Akiro, Mikiro, and Edmond went with the police that just came when the ambulance came, while Mavis, Ellie, Xyca, Nicay, and Canya came with me here at the hospital... The 5 of them were sitting at the waiting area here outside the ER... Xyca was the only one crying and the 4 of them were holding back their tears and were trying to calm Xyca down.... We waited there outside for an hour already but still no one came out from the ER... I just stood there looking at the floor and clenching my fist.... 'I couldn't do anything, just like back then... I'm really not suited for the assassination....' I said in my mind thinking about the mission and about Yuki.... Tears form in my eyes, but i held it back... But i couldn't hold it anymore so i cried silently, i clenched my fist tighter that my nails are already digging in my skin and i clenched my teeth.... Tears flow like a river that i couldn't even stop it...

Xyca's p.o.v

'Its my fault for being reckless i didn't look carefully and just hugged her tightly and now she's hurt again... She is always in pain, why can't her pain already disappear... Its all my fault and just like before i couldn't even save her yet she forgave me back then... I wish i was the one who got hurt...' I said in my mind thinking about the past and about Yuki.... I only cried there while Mavis, Ellie, Nicay, and Canya are trying to calm me... We were waiting here for about an hour already yet still no one came out from the ER.... I couldn't make myself not think about the past.... And i couldn't stop crying its been years since i cried, ever since Yuki saved me and my family i promised to myself not to cry because it shows weakness yet here i am crying... But i just couldn't stop crying...

Mavis' p.o.v.

Me and the others are here at the hospital, we sat here at the waiting area waiting for the doctor to come out from the ER, and Niko was standing near the door and was leaning at the wall with clenched fist... Xyca was crying but we are trying to calm her but she just cry and couldn't stop it... I also wanted to cry but i was holding it back even the 3 were holding their tears... Its because crying is a sign of weakness that's what assassins believe in.... I couldn't stop thinking about Yuki and everything she has done to me and also to others... She always sacrifice herself for others... I wish she stop worrying about others and think about herself, but she didn't want it.... She always say that she's not a person to worry about, but she is 'cause she's important and our friend... And i couldn't hold it any longer, tears stream down to my cheek as i cried silently not wanting the others to hear me cry... Its been an hour already yet the operation was still going on...

Ellie's p.o.v.

Me and my friends were here at the waiting area waiting for the doctor to come out from the ER... Its been an hour already yet the doctor was still inside... Xyca is crying and us held our tears, but i saw Mavis crying tears streaming down to her cheek while crying silently... Even if i wanted to cry I can't... Why?... 'Cause people see it as a sign of weakness even the the assassins see it as a weakness... A memory flashed through my mind that made me want to cry.... I was still trying to hold my tears but my traitor tears just streamed down to my cheeks... And i couldn't stop it so i just cried there while hugging Xyca who is crying for an hour already...

Nicay's p.o.v.

Nandito kami ngayun sa labas ng ER sa waiting area... Umiiyak si Xyca at ngayun pati na rin sina Ellie at Mavis... At ako naman hindi ko na rin nakaya, kaya naman tumulo na ang mga traydor kong mga luha... Pero kahit na pigilan ko ito hindi ko kaya, kaya naman umiyak na rin ako habang hinahaplosan ang likod ni Xyca... Nakayakap si Ellie kay Xyca sa kanan at ako naman hinahaplosan ang likod ni Xyca mahigit isang oras na rin nung umiyak siya... At bigla ko nalang naalala si Yuki na nakangiti samin bago siya nawalan ng malay... Alam ko at alam rin ng iba kong kaibigan na palagi siyang nagdudusa, palagi niyang iniisip ang iba bago pa man ang sarili niya.... Pero ni minsan hindi ko siya nakitang naging masaya para sa sarili niya... Palagi niyang sinasabi na kapag masaya ang iba masaya na rin siya... Palagi nalang na siya yung nasasaktan kinamkam na niya lahat ang sakit, pero kahit na nasasaktan na siya hindi niya yun pinakita samin... Sana ligtas siya... Tumingin ako sa direksyon ni Niko at nakita ring umiiyak na rin siya pero tahimik lang siya kagaya ni Mavis.... Alam kong mahalaga si Yuki para sa kanya dahil kita naman ito sa mga reaksyon niya at mahalaga din si Yuki samin....

Canya's p.o.v.

We've waited for about an hour or so here outside the ER waiting for the doctor to come out from it.... Everyone is already crying even Niko who is leaning in the wall near the door.... I was still holding my tears back, but then a memory flashed back to me...


I was standing in front of my parents' grave crying... Why?... Even if they did something bad to me it still doesn't change the fact that they are my parents... The one who took care of me since i was a child... I just stand there crying and the rain started to pour.... But i didn't care and stood there crying in front of my parents, but then someone came to my side carrying an umbrella.... I tried to hold back my tears but it just kept coming out... People say that crying is a sign of weakness that's why i wanted to held back my tears but couldn't... The person to my side hugged me and gently rubbing my back and it shocked me...

"Its okay to cry... If you're thinking that crying is a sign of weakness, you're wrong.... Crying is a sign that you really care for them... You cry because you care about them..." The person that was hugging me said and i cried harder this time 'cause the memory about my parents keep flashing back to me...


And i couldn't hold it back anymore and cried... Its been  month's since i last cried.... I wish Yuki is alright... We all cried and Mavis and Niko were silently crying... Yuki was right even if a person is cold they still feel some emotions 'cause they're still a human with feelings...

3rd Person's p.o.v.

As the 6 person were waiting in the waiting area 3 certain persons came to them with full of worry....

"Xyca, is Yuki alright..?" A guy wearing a fedora asked worried... Everyone's attention was two them....

"Ate Xyca, is Ate Yuki alright??" A certain boy asked...

"Is she alright?" A guy wearing a hoodie asked.... The three of them asked all together and Xyca only looked at them still crying and sad.... She looked at them with a sad eyes...

"I'm sorry...*sob*.... Uncle Reborn....*sob*.... If....*sob*.... Only i didn't...*sob*..... Became reckless...*sob*.... I would've...*sob*.... Noticed that...*sob*.... she was...*sob*.... in pain...." Xyca apologized between her sobs.... Reborn only looked at her with soft eyes.... He gently caress Xyca's hair...

"Its ok Xyca... Its not your fault... And if Yuki is here right now she would say the same.." Reborn said wiping Xyca's tears....

"Papa is right Ate Xyca... You didn't know that she was in pain... So don't blame yourself... If Ate Yuki is here right now she would have said the same.... She always say that it isn't your fault that she was in pain... She would always say that she was in pain because she chose to... So don't cry Ate Xyca... Even you Ate Mavis, Ate Ellie, Ate Nicay, Ate Canya, and Kuya Niko.... If she is right here with us right now, she will say that you shouldn't cry it will make you ugly... And besides Ate Yuki is strong and I'm sure she will fight for us...." Kiko said trying to make the 6 stop crying 'cause Kiko don't like it when people cry is if they are also sad and the 6 only smiled at him and chuckled... Kiko smiled at them... And Iemitsu ruffled Kiko's hair...

"Kiko's right... We shouldn't be crying because Yuki is strong and will fight..." Mavis said wiping her tears and so everyone wiped their tears and after a while Akiro, Mikiro, Nikiro, and Edmond joined them in waiting... Five more hours have passed and still the operation was going on.... 30 more minutes passed and the door to the ER opened.... Niko was the first one to ask the doctor...

"Doc is she alright?" He asked the doctor and the doctor removed first his mask..

"The operation was successful but there is still a problem... It looks like she has a heart disease... She needs a heart transplant before the heart disease will spread all over her body and it will lead it to her death...She is still unconscious as of now and i don't know when she will wake up... Excuse me i still have some other patient... And you may now see her at Room 367..." The doctor said and it made everyone froze...

"Heart disease..." Everyone whispered while trying to process what the doctor has just said...



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